Chapter 62 - Innocence Lost

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When the last bite was taken, the Dark Lord wished all Death Eaters a fare well. Aliah walked with her Father out into the entrance hall. He gave her a hug and whispered in her ear, "I am so proud of you. You are so brave,"

"Thank you,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too," Aliah said and released her Father. Severus gave her shoulder one last squeeze and he exited the front door.

"I'm going to put Aurora to bed, Aliah the Dark Lord wishes to speak to you in the dining room," Narcissa said from behind Aliah. Aliah nodded and watched as Narcissa ascended the stairs. The baby had fallen asleep during the beginning of dinner but Aliah assumed that Narcissa didn't feel comfortable leaving the table or leaving her daughter alone in a house full of death eaters.

Aliah shook the thought and returned to the dining room. Lucius remained in his seat but Draco rushed over to Aliah. The Dark Lord stood near the fire place and turned when she entered the room. Why was her Father here if he wasn't going to threaten her? Aliah stayed cautious, the sick feeling in the pit of the stomach remained in her stomach and she knew it wasn't from the food.

"Such devotion you two have," Voldemort chuckled, "I must say Draco, you take after your parents,"

Aliah felt Draco shift in his stance.

"And you Aliah, I thought you weren't going to eat dinner tonight. Was it perhaps you felt uncomfortable in the presence of so many death eaters? You know if you became one – one of us I mean – you would never have to be afraid. You won't have to be afraid of me killing your Father. You saw how easy I can slip something into his drink,"

"What did you do you him?" Aliah snapped

"There is no need to worry I did no such thing. I am merely stating that I could easily have slipped something into his drink, or Lucius, or Narcissa's or even your fiancé here,"

Aliah stepped to the side to shield Draco. The door opened behind them and Narcissa entered the room, "oh sorry my Lord, shall I leave?"

"No Narcissa, please join your husband," the tone Voldemort used sent warning bells in Aliah. Why would he want the older Malfoy's in the room?

"I do want an answer Aliah," Voldemort stepped closer to Aliah, "will you join us? Will you convince the witch who lives inside you to join us?"

"I can't convince her! I can't control her,"

Aliah heard the slap before she felt it. The hard floor boards were cold under her skin.

"I thought you might say that," Voldemort snickered. Aliah followed his gaze to the door. A death eater with scratches on his face, scratches that Aliah put there when he attacked Narcissa, entered the room. The Death Eater did not scare Aliah, it was what he was holding that scared her.

Aurora searched the room and when she saw her Mother she smiled and reached out to her. Narcissa screamed and leaped out of her seat but the Dark Lord waved her wand at the two Malfoy's and they were both tied to their seats by ropes. The Death Eater handed the baby over to the Dark Lord. Draco tried to intercept but the man had pushed Draco into the wall.

"Let her go," Aliah said

"What position are you in to tell me what to do?" the Dark Lord chuckled. Aurora started to cry. She wanted her Mother but instead she had red eyes staring at her.

"I've told you I can't control her!"

"That's a shame," Voldemort walked back to the fireplace, "I had high hopes for you Aliah." The Dark Lord turned to look at the two Malfoy's, "I thought you two were able to convince her but no. You two have been harboring a traitor and for that you must pay,"

"NO!" Lucius yelled. Voldemort turned to the fireplace and looked at Aliah.

"Last chance for you to tell the High Priestess to join us,"

"I told you I can't" Aliah rushed forward to save the child but he flicked his wand at her and she crashed into the wall.

"Then I must do this," Voldemort unwrapped the child and placed her on the ground. He pointed her wand at the fireplace and used the fire to cover the baby. Narcissa screamed. Aliah reached out her hand and willed the flames to her bidding. The fire moved away from Aurora and onto the Dark Lord. With her other hand, water covered over the baby.

Aliah ran over to Aurora and picked her up. She moved away from the Dark Lord who continued to fight with the flames. Aliah ran around the table and pulled out the knife that was tattooed into her wrist and cut the binds of the Malfoy's. Narcissa grabbed the crying child from Aliah and pulled her into her chest. Lucius used his body to shield his family.

Aliah reached out her hands and shot more flames at the Dark Lord and at the Death Eater who held Draco. The Death Eater released his grip on Draco and he fell to the ground with flames covering his body. A crack disrupted Aliah's thoughts.

The Dark Lord was gone. Aliah held balls of fire in her hands and scanned the room.

"Let's go," Lucius pulled his wife with Draco and Aliah tailing behind them. They exited the dining room but they were all thrown across different corners of the room. Voldemort pointed his wans at Aurora.

"The blood of this innocent is on you," Voldemort told Aliah before saying the worst spell of all, "avada kedavra."

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