Chapter 56 - Mercy

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"Soul of fire

Blood of water

Skin of earth

voice of air,"

The room didn't go cold like last time, instead it warmed up and Draco felt beads of sweat fall down his face. He felt his Mother loosen her grip on his wrist. He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist to keep her steady on her feet.

Lucius saw his wife unsteady on her feet and ran over to Narcissa. She laid her head on his shoulder and her eyes drooped. The heat must not be good for her pregnancy. Draco felt guilty, what has he done? All eyes turned to Aliah who now floated mid-air hidden in purple smoke.

"come and sing of the darkness

come and assist me on my quest

until my goal is done

and when the song is sung,"

The purple smoke disappeared and there stood the High Priestess in Aliah's body. "Please let this plan work," Draco prayed. Bellatrix smiled and stood straight.

"Hi my name is Bell-"

"I know who you are Bellatrix Black," the High Priestess spat. "Your family has been trouble since I was born,"

"I am sorry to hear that,"

"Oh shut it! If it wasn't for the Blacks, Naturalists would be here today, but no. Your ancestors were the ones who sat on the council and burnt me at the stake and now you have the decency to ask me for help? To join you?"

"It is not I who ask, it is the Dark Lord," Bellatrix explained

"So you are merely a servant?" The High Priestess laughed, "Since when do the Blacks kneal before anyone?"

"He is great, I swear,"

"I do not care," The High Priestess spat. Her gazed turned from Bellatrix to Narcissa, who now laid on the couch. The High Priestess walked, or floated would be a better description, towards the pale witch. Lucius stepped in front of his wife.

"Calm yourself Lucius Malfoy. I do not wish to harm your beloved wife,"

"You said yourself the Black family was the cause to your parting,"

"As true as that may be, your Narcissa helped the body I had possessed and could have easily let the body bleed to death, yet she didn't despite knowing the fact that I was in the body,"

"Aliah," Draco growled. The High Priestess turned to the blonde boy

"And you, Draco Malfoy. The arrogant boy who is the only thought – what was the name?-  in Aliah's mind. It is sickening," the witch suddenly grabbed Draco's face and sqeezed tight leaving cresent moons on his cheeks, "but I can change that,"

"Don't hurt him," a faint voice coughed. The High Priestess turned her head to Narcissa. She was paler than usual and her hair was soaked in sweat.

"I see that summoning me took an effect on you," The High Priestess stepped forward and placed her hand on Narcissa's stomach. "She is strong,"

"She?" Bellatrix screeched

"You are still here?" The High Priestess asked

"Cissy what does she mean she?"

"She is pregnant you filthy witch,"

"FILTHY? I am a pure-blood mind you!"

"And I am as well. I was born from the original witches and wizards of this Earth. We controlled the land and learnt the natural ways. You have changed the way of magic. It is unnatural,"

Bellatrix stepped back. She did not know what to do. The High Priestess smiled and kneeled in front of Narcissa.

"You on the other hand are different. You remind me of one of your ancestors. The only Black who was kind, selfless and tried to help me. For her I am grateful, but I could never repay her as I had died and she was drowned. I will remember her by helping you. I am at your service,"

"Thank you," Narcissa coughed

"But I must warn you. Ask too much of me, I will kill those who you love dearest. Ask me to go against my beliefs like how your dear sister has done, I will make sure that the Black family line will end with your son. Do you understand?"


"Then we are at an agreement. I shall leave now,"

"Can I ask something?"

"What is it?"

"Can you bring Aliah back?"

The High Priestess scowled at the weak witch in front of her. Lucius grabbed her hand and stepped in front of her.

"If you treat her right, no more cold cellars," She turned to look at Bellatrix. "You will treat Aliah with respect or I will kill you next time I am summoned. No curses, hair pulling or stabbing,"

"NO!" Bellatrix bellowed. The High Priestess looked at the older witch. Bellatrix clutched her head and screamed. She fell to her knees and blood dripped from her eyes.

"STOP! Yes I will make sure of it," Narcissa sat up quickly. The screaming from Bellatrix stopped. The High Priestess placed her hand on the pregnant witch's stomach. A warm feeling stirred inside Narcissa followed by a kick.

"She will be alright. Any complications call me,"

"Thank you," Narcissa smiled.

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