Chapter 54 - The House - Elf

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"Hi," she smiled weakly

"Aren't you supposed to be dead?" Harry wondered

"Well obviously not Potter," Draco hissed

"Get us out Malfoy!"

"I can't! Don't you think I would have gotten my fiancé out if I could?"

"Draco shut it," Aliah snapped, not happy with the way he spoke

"Fiancé?" Dean spoke

"Aliah you're marrying this git?" Ron snarled

"Watch it Weasley," Draco stepped forward but Aliah grabbed his arm

"All of you stop it. Yes I am engaged to Draco and no there is no way out of here,"

"Can't you open the door Malfoy?" Ron growled

"No. It can only be open-" A scream from above interrupted Draco's thoughts

"HERMIONE!" Ron screamed. Rage took over his face and he pounced on Draco, causing them to fall to the ground.

"STOP IT! STOP IT!" Aliah screamed but both boys did not listen. She turned to Harry who stood there and he shrugged.

"This is all your fault Malfoy!" Ron spat. Another scream broke out

"What is Bellatrix doing to Hermione?" Harry asked

"Cruciatus curse probably," Aliah wasn't thinking, she was only thinking about how to get Ron to stop punching Draco. Aliah sunk to the floor. She felt her bones break and her back arch. Aliah stepped forward and growled. Harry and Dean jumped back but Ron paid no attention.

"Get off me Weasley or you are going to regret it," Malfoy threatened

"I'm going to kill you," Ron tightened his grip on Draco's neck and he started to turn blue. That was enough for Aliah. She jumped onto Ron and pushed him over. He laid on his back with Aliah on top, gnarling her teeth.

"Aliah get off of him," Draco said calmly. Aliah felt her heartbeat faster and the need to rip Ron's throat out was almost overwhelming.

"Aliah calm down now!" Draco repeated. Aliah's mind clicked and she jumped off Ron. She ran into the dark corner and returned to her human form. Draco rushed over and held her shoulder.

"It happened again," she huffed, "she almost came out,"

"But you didn't let her out. You were strong enough to fight. Now come on," Draco pulled her up from the ground. Together, they returned to the group. Ron banged on the door from Hermione's screams and Harry was placing a mirror back into his sock.

"SO what's the-" Aliah started but then a crack sounded and an elf appeared in the middle of the cellar.

"Dobby?" Draco asked. The elf jumped back in fright. Aliah immediately pushed Draco behind her.

"It's ok, he won't hurt you, I promise,"

"Mister Malfoy will! Mister Malfoy will hurt Dobby,"

"No he won't I promise," Aliah turned to glare at her fiancé. "What the hell did you do to this house-elf?"

"I-I umm," Draco couldn't finish his sentence as Aliah started to whack him on the head until he cowered in the corner.

"Stay!" she demaned before returning to the house-elf. "See? He will have to get through me before hurting you and he won't,"

"Thank you Miss. Dobby came to save Harry Potter and his friends,"

"Right. Dobby you take everyone to-" Harry wondered

"Shell Cottage. Trust me," Ron finished Harry's sentence.

"Whenever you are ready sir," Luna held out her hand

"Sir? I like this girl," Dobby smiled and took Luna's hand. "What about you Miss?"

"No," Aliah shook her head

"Aliah go with Dobby, he will get you to safety," Harry said

"I said NO Harry,"

"But why? For that git?" Ron pointed to Malfoy who rose to his feet and scowled. Aliah picked up her knife and threw it at Ron. It sliced off some of his hair and dug deep into the column behind him.

"Don't insult him again or I will make sure it will go through your heart," Aliah threatened and pulled out the knife.

"So you're really siding with him? You aren't going to leave?" Dean said


"Aliah go. Go with them and meet me at the place," Draco pushed Aliah gently towards Dobby

"No way, I go, we go," Aliah stepped forward. "We do the plan,"

"Aliah are you sure?" Draco asked

"Till death do us part," Aliah gave him a quick kiss

"You're too good for me,"

"I know," Aliah chuckled. She turned around and watched as the elf disapparated.

"I'll do much better fighting," Aliah said. She pressed the knife into her forearm as if it was a tattoo.

"How the hell?" Ron gasped

"I'm a Naturalist. Ancient magic, now someone's coming," Aliah hid herself in the shadows of the wall and waited until the rat man entered the cellar. Harry and Ron attacked him and they said some words that Aliah didn't catch. The man hesitated and that caused his silver hand to strangle himself. Aliah watched as the body fell to the floor.

"Aliah punch me. If you escape then they'll think I let you out," Draco asked

"I'll give you a light tap, then wait a minute and chase us. Then attack but make sure to miss us,"



"Ye-" Draco was cut off as her fist collided with his forehead

"OW! I said tap!"

"Sorry babe, but you annoyed me," Aliah smirked

"you're a little devil underneath that beauty," Draco smiled. Aliah stepped close to him and seductively spoke in his ear quietly enough for the others not to hear, "only for you,"

"Damn, I love you," Draco kissed her. Aliah pulled back and hugged him

"I love you Draco,"

"You can do this. Attack Bellatrix if you can first, she is the biggest threat,"

"Will do,"

"Go!" Draco kissed her deeply and pushed her away. Aliah rushed over to Harry and Ron. They each gave a nod and they climbed the stairs.

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