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Bricks and Mandark head outside to the back of the school after reform class. Reform class had been pretty much the same as always, jack would ask them all how they feel and if they were getting along with others in the school ok. Jack had asked to speak with Mandark after class so Brick had to wait for him outside the room.

"what'd Jack want?" Brick asks even though he was sure the answer would be something about the science fair.

"he wanted to know if I still felt the urge to destroy dexter." Mandark frowns. "I really blew it Brick... everyone keeps asking why I did it and they look at me like I'm some kind of villain... it's just like how it used to be... one slip up and suddenly you're a bad person again." Mandark looks at the ground. "even though Dexter took the punishment for me by the city nobody else seems to have forgiven me."

"well I did." Brick replies. "believe it or not Mandark I actually understand what you mean. Remember when the secret task force was deployed to round up the villains for judgement?"

"yeah I remember." Mandark nods. "they came to my house and told my dad and mother that they could come pick me up after judgement if I was released. But the squirrel guy seemed pretty sure I was going to get the void."

"I think we were all going to get the void." Brick frowns. "I'm not really sure how fair the judgement would have been." He glances at the tree as they approach it. "I just know at that moment when my brothers and I were being arrested... all I wanted to do was keep them safe. Somehow I wanted to make sure they wouldn't get the void." He looks at the ground and then at Mandark. "even though we destroyed the city and even nearly killed Blossom and her sisters... the girls were always there to help us somehow. That day Blossom went to the mayor and asked for us to be released."

"really?" Mandark raises an eyebrow. "you never said that in class."

"because I hate that I had to rely on Blossom for help." Brick mumbles. "she always does so much good and I just feel like she's been rubbing it in my face. That's why I hated the girls. but when she helped us on that judgement day... I realized she wasn't trying to hurt us with her kindness... she really is just a nice person." He looks at the tree again as they are closer now and can see nobody else is there yet.

"I'm not sure how I managed to avoid the judgement." Mandark mumbles looking at the tree as well. "after waiting for 4 hours in a cell I was just told somebody had bailed me out... I was never told who or why. Do you suppose blossom might have helped me too?"

"it's possible." Brick nods. "she does just really like to help and she believes everyone has some good in them."

(omg I just really wanted to make a dog the bounty hunter joke... literally I've been babysitting my mom's dog for a week and the only thing on tv I've been watching is re-runs of dog the bounty hunter.)

"super heroes and kind of dumb." Mandark frowns. "I mean really... they only have fans because they punch a monster in the face... but they destroy more stuff then we do."

"yeah but the heroes aren't on trial... they destroy things by accident trying to stop guys like we used to be from destroying everything." Brick replies.

When they reach the tree Mandark looks around. "nobody is here... are we too late?"

"I know we're late but they might also be late... I don't think Edd would go without me." Brick replies.

"sorry we're late." Edd calls from the lake. He makes his way up the hill with the test sisters. "we had to stop at the restroom."

"yes well I do apologize for that." Susan smiles. "it's just that I really had to go." She stands in front of Brick and puzzles for a moment. "this is the friend you told us about?" she asks Edd.

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