Chapter 26

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I started packing some stuff in my room to take it to my new apartment. When I was taking a break and making a sandwich Max walked into the kitchen looked at me rolled his eyes and left.

I really don't understand why this is such a big deal, he was practically telling me to move out last night when he said that they were selling the house. They didn't even consult me about.

He texted me this morning saying that I can take Turbo since technically he's my dog. I already planned on taking him since one; KP and Turbo don't get along and two, I already got an apartment that allows pets.


Max has been in the worst mood since last night. Adam texted me today saying that Max hasn't been at work at all today. Adam does not know what's going on wanted me to go find him and talk him into going into work. So I had to tell Adam that Max and I weren't in the best place right now and he needs to ask someone else to go talk to Max.

Barney just texted me asking if I could come to the offices. I really didn't want to but it's Barney and I would never say no to him. So I get ready to head over to the offices.

I get to the offices after being stuck in traffic for ten minutes. Knowing that Max probably isn't here I head inside expecting to be attacked by hugs, but no one is in sight and I can't hear anyone.

I decide to walk into the main area hoping to see some people but no one. Barney had me come to an empty office probably for no reason.

I turn to leave when I hear someone say 'be quiet'. It sounded like Ross so I started to head to where I heard the voice. Hoping to find someone mainly Ross or Barney.

I finally gave up so I turn to leave but when I turn around everyone appears out of nowhere and screams 'surprise'. Everyone comes up to me and hugs me and talks about everything that's been going on. Like how Alesa and Adam are talking again, and how she's been making videos recently. Which surprised me but made me feel happy for them.

I looked around wanting to find Max but he wasn't here. I should've known. Why would he? He's mad at me for something that isn't even that important.

Taking my mind off of Max and back to the party, someone threw me out of the blue. I grab a cup of punch and go over to the bean bags to sit down and just relax.

I ended up falling asleep while sitting on the bean bags. When I woke up Luna was sitting next to me while talking on the phone. I heard a little bit of her conversation.

"No, she's fine. It didn't seem like she was upset. Knowing as much as I do about her I doubt she would intentionally try to hurt you."

I stopped listening and fell back into a deep sleep.


I woke up at four in the morning expecting to still be in the bean bag at the offices but I was at home in my bed in different clothes. I tried going back to sleep but I couldn't soI decided to make some breakfast for everyone since I was up early.

I attempted to make cartoon pancakes, but my SpongeBob looked more like Peppa the Pig.

I eventually gave up and made some regular pancakes. By the time I was done it was around seven thirty-ish. I went to get Ross and Luna knowing that they love food more than me or Max.

While Ross and Luna were in the kitchen eating pancakes I debated going to Max's room to wake him up when I was about to knock the door swung up. Max looked me dead in the eye and just walked past me to the kitchen.

I should've known he wasn't going to say anything to me. I started to make my own way to the kitchen to grab my own pancakes.

The only seat open at the table was next to Max. In my head I was thinking he probably doesn't want me to sit next to him, I should just go in the living room, you know what I shouldn't let him have all the power over this situation.


I finally made my decision and sat next to Max and began eating my food. When I looked up I realized that Max and Ross switched seats.I didn't know Max was that upset.

I was picking out my outfit for the day when Luna walked into my room without knocking. She went straight to my bed and sat down.

"So, what's up with you and Max?"


"Why are you lying?"

"I'm not."

"You are. Why else would your boyfriend not want to sit next to you or talk to you?"

"Well... it's a long story."

"Start talking I have the whole day off."

I told Luna everything. Starting with the apartment, then Hunter and how Max and I bumped into each other at the cafe. And so on, so on.

"And you now just told him?!"

"I was busy plus I planned to the day I met you."

"Sure... so he's not talking to you because of that?"

"Yeah. It's stupid, right? It wasn't even that big of a deal, he was practically kicking me out, right?"

"I don't know Shelby, but did you forget the one thing he did say to you?"

"And that is?"

"He did sneakily ask you to move in."

I am so stupid. I didn't even realize that's what he meant. I'm such an idiot. I need to talk to him, but how will I get him to listen to me?

So my plan was to get Luna to text Max and ask him to go to High Grounds Cafe and instead of her it will be me and he won't be able to leave because when he enters Luna will be behind him blocking the door.

God, this is stupid. I sound like one of those stupid jealous people in books and movies.

I need to get a life that doesn't involve hours and hours of watching Netflix and talking to myself. I'm sure if my mom heard me she would think that I was going crazy because of how much alone time I have and how much of it I spend watching Netflix when I should be getting a mani-pedi or having a spa day.

I should invite Luna to have a spa/mani-pedi day. It doesn't sound as fun as laying in bed eating food and watching Netflix and Youtube all day but it's worth a shot.

Luna and I have a plan ready so that I can get Max to listen to what I have to say. We are pretty much doing the plan that I already had except somewhere else and she got a few of her friends to help.

She has some friends that own a little cafe restaurant thing, and she got them to 'close' it just for the day but Luna's other friends will be there so it sorta seems like they are open.

The plan seems a little confusing but I would do anything to get Max to forgive me.

Have a good day! :P

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