8 - Who is standing behind you?

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Rita was busy working on her laptop in office when she sensed someone's presence behind her.

She slowly turned her head to look. Standing behind her was a guy, who she assumed must be in his twentys, donning crisp white t -shirt with blue jeans, looking down at her.

"Hello...I am Raj....Raj Lalwani and if I am not wrong you must be the girl who has joined today. I must say that for the first day at work, you look quite busy." He remarked in his silky voice.

What?...This handsome man is Mr Lalwani's son. Oh no! God knows since when he is standing here. Was he checking if I was working or not or am I worth this job or not? Shit...I am finished. Rita panicked.

"Hello miss! Back to earth...I am talking to you." Raj said moving his hand in front of her face.

"Huh?...s-sorry...s-sir!" She stuttered getting up from her seat.

"Yes sir. I am Rita Sharma. I have joined today." She answered nervously. Raj's lips were set in thin line, his eyes staring back at her.

Damn! He must be thinking that I am so dumb. Today itself they will fire me from their company. She scolded herself in her mind.

Surprisingly, he smiled and said.

"Miss sharma...first of all, don't call me sir. It makes me feel as if I am some sixty year old man. My father is your boss, not me and second thing is, you need to chill. I understand that its your first day, and you are bound to be nervous. But, try talking with people, ask your queries, do whatever you like. You will enjoy your work more like that." He advised.

"Okay sir..umm...I mean...Raj." She nodded.

"Ok...now get back to work. Have good day." He said before pacing towards his father's cabin.

"Strange. He sure had everything served on silver plate since his birth, still he seem so humble and down to earth. " She thought before resuming her work.


Her day went smoothly. By the end of the day, she already had started working on a company's new project.

While returning, company's car dropped her. By seven in the evening, she was back in her home.

She was exhausted. Only after taking hot shower, she felt relaxed. She quickly changed into comfy pyjamas and t-shirt and went to the kitchen to fix something for dinner. She made simple daal-rice and combined it with pickles. Mango pickles were always her weakness, especially made by her nani.

"I didn't knew I too could make something edible." She patted herself in appreciation.

After dinner, she talked with Jenny on video call and as she expected, her friend was impatient to know about her first day. So, next few minutes Rita narrated what happened since morning.

Jenny interrupted in between. "Your boss son seems interesting. Is he really that good looking as you are saying? Is he single? If yes, then I think you two definitely should date ASAP..."

Rita rolled her eyes.

"C'mon Jenny. He is my boss, not technically but sort of." Rita said.

"And who says that you can't date your boss, especially if he is as good looking as you are saying." Jenny countered.

"Fine....I will try to know if he is single or not and then, I will give your number to him. You can talk to him as much as you want...happy now?" Rita gave up.

"No need Ri. I am very happy with my boyfriend. Since your life lacked some fun, so... I as your best friend thought to help you out." She reasoned.

Rita knew that Jenny just wanted to see her happy. But they both already have discussed this topic earlier many times.

"Jenny... Trust me I am really happy and enjoying my life, but for now I don't think I am ready for any new attachment...Hope you understand.." Her voice trailed off.

"Till when Ri?" Jenny questioned although she knew Rita's answer.

"I don't know. I c-can't afford to lose any more people in my life..." Her voice cracked as her eyes pooled with unshed tears.

"As you wish babe. But we will talk about it later. Take care of yourself. Good night. I will call you tomorrow." Said Jenny before hanging up.

This conversation wasn't over. They both knew that.

After talking with Jenny, she worked on some new designs of Chandelier available in market and compared their price for next day's presentation.

By eleven, she was on her bed.
For a change, she didn't turned off room's light. Prior to that day, she never liked lights switched on while sleeping but that day she couldn't do it since last night's incident was still fresh in back of her mind.

Rita was about to drift to sleep when her phone buzzed. She grabbed her phone from night stand. It was Jenny's text.

She unlocked her phone and opened message body. The minutes she read her message, all colour drained from her face.

The message said..."Hey Ri...who was the women walking behind you while we were having video call? You didn't mentioned earlier that you are sharing flat with someone or was she is your neighbour you told me about? Sorry to bother but I was just curious."

She got up and clutched her pillow tightly, holding her breath. She was even afraid to make any move.

Suddenly, temperature inside her room dropped raising hairs on her neck. She shut her eyes tightly, thinking everything will become normal when she will open her eyes again. But little did she knew, since in next moment
came an ear - piercing sound which made her jump from her place.



Thanks all you book lovers who read my book .You all are very special.
We all share same passion of reading. 😘
What do think is going to happen now?
Will she be able to escape what is coming for her?
Do you think Raj and Rita will make a good pair?
For that, turn to next chapter.➡

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