22 - Game of death begins

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Rita was aware that she couldn't run or escape now as the source of voice was standing just behind her. So, she decided to do what her nani has told her. 'Trap the evil in your words.'

Without turning around and moving from her position, she asked. "Why are you doing this J-Janki. What do you want from me? You will not gain anything by k-killing innocent people."

She sensed Janki approaching  her. She closed her eyes, thinking this is how its going to end.

"It was so difficult to get to you." The voice sneered.

Rita frozed at her place. She realized, may be this could be her end. So, she decided to play along till the end. She said as her lips trembled. "Listen Janki we can talk this out. You tell me what you want and, I will see if I can g-get it for you or not...what say?"

The voice growled again. It didn't sound human at all.

"Will you stop calling me Janki.... I am not Janki....Janki is just a body for me. "The voice screeched angrily.

Rita slowly turned around before stepping back in horror.

The face behind the voice was the same face which she had seen earlier in her house.

How can she not be Janki? Is this some kind of game this thing is playing with me...? She thought.

That face was glaring at her menacingly. How can she forget this face? Same skeleton like body.....lifeless hair... crooked teeth..patch of flesh hanging from her face here and there, was making her appear more scary. Her eyes...they were blazing with anger, and rotten smell of her flesh was making Rita unable to breath.

"What do you mean you are not Janki? If you are not her then who are you and why are you killing innocent people?" She asked Janki or whoever she was.

"Hmm....thats a good question. I wouldn't have answered it but, since you aren't going out alive from here today, so there isn't any harm in some heart to heart talk." She smiled with her chapped lips and took a step towards Rita.

Rita instinctively took one step back, as her frame hit the wall behind. Nowhere to go further, she had no choice but to stare back in Janki's raging eyes.

"So....to you it may appear that I am Janki, but Janki was just a pawn for me to come back in this world."

Rita narrowed her eyebrows.

"I know you are still not understanding anything. So.. I will make it simple and easy for you, considering this as your last wish before dying....ha ha ha." She laughed mercilessly with evil grin on her face.

"So...in simple words, I am bad news for you. My soul was trapped in this mirror by a man, from which Janki has brought this mirror, years ago. Janki brought this mirror thinking that it was some simple magical mirror which you must have heard in fairy tales, but...she didn't knew, that what she had brought with her....will take her life at end.....ha ha ha.."Again same dreadful hollow laugh, which made Rita shudder in fear.

"You had already k-killed Janki....but...how is this p-possible? Janki is in front of me." Rita said as her lips trembled.

"Actually, Janki's soul was very weak and corrupted...full of wordly desires. She wanted to be beautiful, to be young and ageless forever. Through that mirror, I showed her what she wanted to see. She didn't knew her spells were slowly giving me new life. I started to thrive on her soul and eventually got full control on her. After eating her soul, I possessed her body. You see, my power gets double when I possess a human body....but unfortunately slowly her human body started giving away. I was not able to understand what to do to stop that, because I was quickly losing my power..."She paused and out of nowhere questioned Rita.

"Rita...don't you have any desires?"

Rita was shivering in fear. She could not bring herself to think straight. Suddenly, her eyes caught something, the first mirror.

C,mon Rita...you can do this...Nani believed in you...think something. She encouraged herself. And then, an idea striked her. She started moving towards the mirror...one tiny step at a time.

But before she could realised, that evil thing was in front of her. So close, that she could see in its eyes the hate for her, smell its rotten flesh...and then it snarled angrily..."What did you thought that you could run from me? You bitch...I asked you something. Answer me..."

Rita was trembling so much with fear that she thought she will crumble on the spot, but...then she saw her nani's photo on adjacent wall which again gave her push to try harder. She knew for sure that first mirror had catched Janki's reflection.

"Only two more mirror is left... I can do it if I put more effort." She thought.

"No.... I don't have any desire.." She yelled.

"No....you are lying to me...you dirty soul. Everyone has desire. Better tell me or I will kill you in the way no one had ever heard or seen before." It growled as it pupils became white.

"I am not lying. Please believe me. I am....." Before she could complete her sentence, a hand slapped her so hard in her face that her body hit other side of wall and she fell hard on the floor. Her face felt like it was hit by an hot iron rod. Tears started streaming from her eyes as she winced from unbearable pain.

She knew she can't escape from here now, not alive atleast. She looked around and saw second mirror.

"Not very far...only if I could reach there." She wondered.

She started dragging her bruised body towards it, without making it obvious. She had almost reached there, when suddenly her hair was pulled from behind.

"Ah...ah..leave me...p-please..leave me."  She begged.

"Tell your desires or I will..." It snarled.

"Okay....okay... I am telling you..but, please leave me." She cried.

"Ah....good. Now you are behaving well...you filthy human."

"I have only one desire. I want my nani back. I want her to come back." Rita said hoping that evil soul believed her.

"Oh....you must be talking about that irritating old lady. Every time I had tried to kill you, she came in between but...she is gone now. I can feel her absence, and she is not coming back to save you today." It laughed.

Rita turned around now facing the wall and started wailing. "No...you are lying. My nani will come back...she loves me...you bloody - witch."

Rita in between her crying, from the corner of her eyes, glanced at the second mirror and took a sigh of relief. Her plan had worked. Janki's reflection was caught in second mirror.

"Now...only last one is remaining " She thought.

Third mirror was at opposite corner. Her mind started racing. And then she saw something which helped her in forming a new plan.



I know I was bit late in uploading new chapter but I was sick.
So....did you all like this chapter?
Will Rita get successful in trapping the evil soul?
For that, wait for next chapter and please vote if you liked this chapter.
Love u all.😘😘

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