11- Something fishy

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By nine in the morning, Rita was almost ready to leave for office when the door bell rang.

She walked and opened the door.

"Madam...I am Sunita. The guard told me that you wanted to talk to me about work."

Sunita was a maid ( house help) whom Rita had seen in building. She had heard that Sunita was very good at her work.

"Yes Sunita...come inside. Actually, right now I am getting late for office, so lets make it quick. Umm..I just need you to cook meal for one time and for the laundry. Saturday and Sunday will be off. So, think calmly and then answer." Rita said.

"Sorry madam...but I have not come here to talk about work. Actually, it is opposite. Madam, I can't work in your flat and not just me, you can even ask other maids also, no one will be ready to work here." Sunita cited while glancing nervously towards Rita's bedroom.

"Listen..You don't need to worry about money if that is the problem. Anyway, whats wrong with this house that no one will be ready to work here?" Rita inquired.

Sunita pouted before saying.

"Oh! It means you don't know anything yet. Just tell me honestly, haven't you experienced anything unusual here?" Sunita questioned and it was enough for Rita to forget that she was getting late.

"Like what Sunita? Tell me clearly what you want to say." Rita asked, now frustrated by the mystery .

"Madam, I don't know why anyone didn't told you, but this flat is haunted. Six months ago a couple had came to live in this flat. My cousin was working here during that time..." Sunita paused to take breath and continued.

"..One day when she met me, she told me that her madam had started to behave very strange suddenly. She used to see things which others can't see. No one believed her and one day, she jumped from terrace and died. Her husband, then left this flat. He shifted to another city and my cousin, who used to work here committed suicide three months ago." She confided.

"Madam....I just know that you should leave this flat as soon as possible. I can understand that you are modern and educated and you may not believe in these things but there is something strange here and I am sure you must have also felt it." Sunita said while waiting for Rita to agree with her.

"Madam..I just wanted to meet you once and warn you. But, one thing is bothering me that why didn't anyone told you. Almost everybody here knows about it, especially that housing agent, Rajat who was trying to sell this flat since long time." Sunita mentioned before leaving.

Rita's head was spinning. Sunita's revealation had startled her. She somehow closed the door and sat on sofa. She repeated everything again in her mind. Many things started to make sense.

Now, she was understanding, why Rajat had sold that flat in less rate than market and the reason of his strange behavior everytime he was there. He must be knowing something, and maybe more than Sunita.

"I have to talk to him and soon...and if all this is true then he has to give me a solid reason why he lied about this flat that it was vacant since five years."She muttered angrily. "By, now I better hurry because I can't be late for my presentation." Saying that she grabbed her bag and house keys, gave one last searching glance to whole flat before leaving.




Yesss... Finally Rita is near to find the truth.
What had happened in her flat?
Does Rajat know anything about it?

To know all that, wait for next chapter... something interesting is coming!!!

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