19 - Unexpected help

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Rita's eyes opened with a strange sound. She got up and looked around. Something seemed different. No everything was different. She was in her old house in Delhi, in her own room, where she had spent those lovely years with her nani.
But, she was not able to understand how she ended up there. As far as she could remember, she was in her hotel in Mumbai. How on earth she can woke up in Delhi?

She snapped out of her thoughts when she again heard that sound. She jumped from her bed and followed the sound. Walking out of her room, she headed towards kitchen. She tip-toed inside, an old women was standing near the kitchen counter, her back facing Rita. Slowly she turned around and smiled at Rita.

"Nani?" Rita muttered shockingly.

"Dear...I was making rice and daal for you. I know you love it...Will you eat baby..?" She asked lovingly as she always used to.

Rita didn't knew how to react. She was choked with sudden surge of emotions. She slowly walked towards her Nani. She couldn't believe want she was seeing. She needed to touch and feel to see if all this was actually happening or it was her dream as usual.

"Yes nani. I-I missed you s-so much..." Rita hugged her tightly as her eyes became pool of tears. She didn't realised when she started sobbing on nani's shoulder.

"My dear....What happened? You are crying?" She asked before pulling up as she wiped Rita's tears.

"Nothing nani. Its just lately I was feeling very lonely. I am having a strange feeling that something really bad is going to happen and I will not be able to stop it."

"My baby...I know what you are going through" Nani said slowly brushing her hand through Rita's hair.

"You know?" Rita asked, confused.

"Yes....I know about Janki's story and just to let you know that it was me who actually saved you many times from her." Nani told.

Rita was gawking at Nani, her mouth half-opened because of that revealation.

"But....Rita, I didn't expected you to run from this situation like a coward. I didn't raised you like this. I am aware that thing is evil but you yourself are not so weak as you consider yourself. You have power of kindness and love and you must not forget one thing, that God help those who help themselves."

"But....nani what can I do? That thing is very powerful, so evil. I have seen its power. Nani...you don't know but it had taken many lives" Rita made known.

"I know baby...I understand it, but leaving that place is not a solution. It will not guarantee that thing will stop coming for you. I have seen its hunger for you....your soul.." Nani face showed something between fear and disgust.

Rita felt goosebumps on her arms. She hadn't consider seriousness of that situation earlier.

Sensing her emotions, nani said.."Don't think you are alone dear. I am always here to help you and matter of fact, I actually have found a way in which you can fight this thing."

"How nani... please tell me?" Rita asked.

"Rita....you must have heard that diamond can cut another diamond, similarly to end the tale of this cursed mirror you have to use another mirror." Nani stated looking into Rita's eyes.

"So...basically you are saying that another mirror simply can end all this? She questioned, not believing what she just heard.

"Yes....but not one mirror, you have to use three mirrors, almost same size like the one you have in your room." Nani explained and paused to see if Rita was grasping everything or not.

Rita nodded her head in understanding.

"....And then you have to fixed mirrors on your room's wall, in a way that each mirror has reflection of that cursed mirror."

"Okay...."Rita muttered.

"Then, you have to wait till midnight. Thats the exact time when she comes out of that mirror. Wait for her to notice you. You have to engage her anyhow in conversation, and then make her walk around the room in a way that she has to pass by in front of those three mirrors, at least once, for this plan to work."

"Hmm...and after that?" Rita asked rather fast, as her hope increased.

"After that her reflection will get trapped into all three mirrors in three parts. At this part, you have to be very quick. The moment her reflection gets trapped in those mirrors, you have to destroy all four mirrors and burn them together and then, pray to almighty with all your will and heart.

"Thats it?" Rita mumbled.

"Rita....This will not be easy. There will be risks and you should take it very seriously. And, from now onwards, you will not see me because my work here is done, for which my soul was still wandering on this dimension. I think this was the last work God wanted me to do." Nani said as her eyes teared up. "Now, I have to leave but remember, my love will always protect you sweetheart." She said before disappearing into thin air.

"Naniiiii...." Rita shreiked as her eyes opened. She found herself on her bed in hotel room, sweating profusely.

She got up and quickly gulped a glass of water in one go and, then it strike her mind that she actually had forgotten to take her pills after dinner.

"Did I saw nani because I have forgotten to take my pills?" She wondered." But, what if nani was right about getting rid of that mirror? Should I do what she told me to do or ignore it and continue with my life in another house?"

Confusion clouded her mind. She step off from her bed and started pacing around room in hope that it will help her to think clearly.

"Nani believes in me. She think I can do it and so, I can't disappoint her by hiding here. Even if it was just a dream, I know that I have to atleast try, and who knows if that evil soul will try to harm other people too...whoever comes to live in that flat after I leave." She shuddered on that thought.

"No.... I can't let that happen, knowing that I could have done something but didn't did due to fear. I can't be selfish. Otherwise there will be no difference between me and that Rajat. It will be so wrong. I will never be able to face God and nani." She muttered.

She checked time on her phone. It was four in the morning. She decided to sleep for few more hours, so that when she would wake up, she could start giving shape to her plan with clear mind and stronger determination.



Nani's plan sounds awsome. Isn't it?
But....what if something happens which was not in her plan?
Could Rita be able to save herself then?
Let's find out that in next chapter.️⏩⏩

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