14 - Confrontation

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On the way to meet Rajat, while Rita was thinking about questions she will ask him, her phone buzzed.

Phone screen was displaying a text from Raj. Her face lit up seeing his name.

She quickly unlock the phone and opened his text.

"If you are free today, would you mind having dinner with me?" The text said.

Rita just gawked at her phone screen.

"What? Is he asking me out? What am I supposed to reply?" She thought while her heart on contrary was doing crazy things.

"Should I give him a chance?" She wondered. "Maybe I should. This could be a casual dinner. Maybe it isn't such a big deal. Just a dinner. I can do that."

Deciding that she typed her reply.

"Okay...but where are we going?"

Few seconds later, her phone beeped again. She quickly opened the message.

His reply made her smile like love sick teenager. She re-read it. "Thats a surprise...just be ready by six in the evening. I will come to pick you up."

"Hmm.....surprise...can't wait." She typed and send it.

She got snapped out of her thoughts, when cab driver applied brake and it halted. She glanced at driver.

"Mam....we have reached." He informed.


When she walked inside Rajat's office which was on ground floor of ten storey building in Bandra, he was busy with his clients. Receptionist told her to sit in waiting area.

Almost ten minutes later, receptionist asked her to go inside.

Rajat grinned seeing her but to her it appeared totally fake.

"Sit Rita madam. Good to see you. Anyway, which documents you were talking about on phone?"

Rita took seat on a chair across him.

"You liar....my purpose for coming here is not some shitty documents, but the flat which you sold me by telling tons of lies." She yelled.

"Madam...what are you..." He mumbled but his words were cut short by furious Rita.

"Let me complete my sentence Mr Rajat..." She shouted. "...and I want to know truth this time...just truth. What had you thought that I would never know about that flat's history...?" She paused for a second to breath before saying.

"...You thought that this girl is new in the city. She will never understand my tactics. Let me fool her and make money by selling her flat which is haunted and in which nobody wants to live. Am I wrong Mr Rajat?" She snapped.

Rajat who was not expecting something like that, was wiping beads of sweat from his face. His face had ashened. It seemed that he had got trapped in his own game. He gulped before saying.

"Madam...you must have been misinformed. There is nothing like that. These are the stories people make up in their mind.
And you, being modern and educated should not have believed in these things..." He tried to cover up his lies.

"Mr Rajat, I have seen her with my own eyes and horrible things are happening with me from the day I shifted in your so called 'normal flat'. Its me, who is suffering everyday every damn second, not you" She said.

"...and if you are still not ready to tell me the truth, I will right now go to the police station and tell them how you have taken six months advanced payment from me in name of giving it to the owner, which recently I came to know that owner of that flat is no more. So, tell me whatever you know or be ready to rot in jail in case of fraud. " She warned.

A shade of horror took over Rajat's face. He knew he was screwed.

"What are you saying? Please calm down Rita madam. I understand that you are angry but.." He pleaded.

"I will do what I am saying. So, just tell what you know about this flat." She glared at him.

"Fine madam.... I am ready to tell you everything but not here. My clients are sitting outside right now. If they heard even a bit about it, they will run away and will not buy flats from me, hope you understand." He requested in hushed voice.

"Hmm...okay. Tomorrow....six pm. I will text you the place where we will meet but don't even think of playing dirty games with me this time or you will pay for it." She hissed before she got up and left the way she had came from.

Rita came out of Rajat office fuming. Her face had became red with anger. She didn't felt like going back to her flat knowing something was lurking behind the walls ready to jump on her any moment....but...she didn't knew any other place to go. All of a sudden, her nani's words echoed in back of her mind. She had always taught her to never run from difficult situation in life. Face them fearlessly...till they run away.

Thinking that, she took a cab and gave address of her building.


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