16 - Dream date

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Around six pm, Raj was at her door.

"You are looking gorgeous." He complimented as his eyes travelled her tall frame before finally meeting her eyes.

"Well....You aren't looking bad either." Rita smirked. He was totally rocking that black tuxedo.

"Thanks lady...now should we leave before I get lost in your eyes?" He asked her like a true charmer as he was.

Wait...what? He is totally onto something. Rita thought.

"Yeah sure." She grinned before they both walked outside.


Raj first took her to a restaurant famous for its italian food. She was surprised because her favorite cuisine was Italian. Raj was his usual self throughout dinner, making her laugh with his awesome sense of humor.

Later, they went to nearby ice cream parlor where he ordered butter scotch flavoured ice cream for both of them.
She was now loosing her mind that how can this be possible that he knew all about her favourite things. Can all that be a mere coincidence?

Their final stop was marine drive, a very famous place in Mumbai. It is a C- shaped road with palm trees lining throughout its stretch. At night, it looks mesmerizing with city lights illuminating it and arabian sea water sparkling adjacent to it.

 At night, it looks mesmerizing with city lights illuminating it and arabian sea water sparkling adjacent to it

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They both sat there on the rocks, lost in amazing view in front of them. Rita had seen something like that for the first time. To be able to hear sound of sea waves and feel cool air touching her face was something which was priceless.

"So, did you liked my surprise?"

"Of course....I loved every moment of it. Honestly, I don't want it to end ever. You know, this had to be my best day in Mumbai, till now." She acknowledged as her eyes twinkled with happiness.

"I am glad you liked it." He smiled

"How could I not like it? Everything was my favorite from start till end as if you knew everything about me, about my likes-dislikes." She said glancing at waves.

"Rita...actually..." He paused and took a deep breath.

"Hmm?" She muttered, still in awe with beauty of sea.

"Actually....your friend Jenny told me about all your favorite things" He admitted sheepishly.

Rita turned her face to look at him. Confusion was written all over her face. She thought maybe she didn't heard clearly whatever he spoked.

"Jenny...as in Jenny Fernandez?" She asked to which he responded by nodding his head in yes.

"How do you know my friend? I don't remember telling you about her." She narrowed her eyes.

"Please don't be angry. Actually, I know her through facebook. I mean few days ago she had sent me friend request which I accepted obviously seeing that you too were her friend. She then told me that she is your best friend, and then we talked few more times. She told me about all your favorite things, but on my insistence because I really wanted to impress you....so please don't be angry on her." He pleaded like a guilty child.

"I am going to kill her. Is she my best friend or yours?" She muttered.

"Hey....Call me anything but a friend stealer. My intention was just to make you feel special today." Raj admitted.

Rita peeked at him and in next moment she was laughing hard. Raj just stared at her blankly.

"Stupid...I was just kidding. Did you really thought I will kill my best friend?" She giggled before hugging him.

In his embrace, Rita felt like home as if her life was perfect and there were absolutely no problems.

With his arm around her waist, Raj whispered, "Do you feel the same way as I feel..um...you do know what I am talking about..right?"

This time she whimpered a little but didn't pulled back. Her head was still resting on his shoulder.

"Raj....I just know that whatever is between us, is very special...but... I don't want to give it a name right now. I need some time. Right now, I just want to enjoy this moment with you...like this. I hope you understand." She spoke her heart out.

But Raj's heart sank a little. He felt as if his all efforts got wasted. He knew one thing for sure that he will not give up easily...and the day will come when her heart will beat for him. When she will not be afraid to confess her feelings.

"I am ready to wait for you even if it takes forever." Raj thought to himself.


When they reached her building entrance, he took out small velvet box from his pocket.

"For you...and please don't say no." He said before placing it in her hand.

"Thanks Raj. Since, I can't say no I will accept it. But it doesn't mean that you should do it again... I mean its not even my birthday. "  She laughed.

"Got it. Anyway, thanks to you. You really made this day special, atleast for me... and I hope you like my gift. Trust me finding something which you would like was really big task. Let me know if I got successful or not." He said making her smile.

"Ofcourse. Good night Raj. Thanks for wonderful evening." She said before stepping out of his car and waving him goodbye.


Reaching her flat, she pushed main door after unlocking it, but what she saw inside, made her step back in horror.

Everything was out of the place. Furnitures were upside down, walls had nasty scratches, curtains were torned into pieces and then her eyes caught something...no someone, a woman who was standing in front of mirror, mumbling something to herself. Rita tried  making sense of it, but it was incomprehensible. The woman was touching her face one moment and in next second she was touching mirror. She was repeating the same thing over and over. It appeared as if she wasn't liking what she was seeing in mirror....and then all of a sudden she turned her face towards Rita. Her eyes had an icy glare that made a shiver ran down Rita's spine. She felt as if her body lost its ability to move. Still she ran and tried hiding behind one of the sofa but she could still see that mysterious woman was standing in her room.

From behind the sofa, Rita tried looking at that woman's face more clearly. One thing was clear that she wasn't young. She was looking very old. Her clothes were hanging loosely from her body. Her eyes were completely white without any sign of life in it. Few bones were even visible on her face...between the patches of muscles which were looking like rotten piece of meat.

Rita was still watching that woman when she suddenly felt someone presence behind her. She can feel its breath on back of her neck. Before, she could turn back and see, an ear- piercing voice came from behind.


She got up from where she was sitting ran towards her flat's main door but something came from behind her and hit her head with force. Her right hand instantly went at back of her head to minimize pain. Before she could do anything to save her life, her surrounding started spinning. Everything slowly started blurring and in next moment she fell down and darkness consumed her.


A.N :-

Oh...no.. What just happened with her?
Will she ever know about mirror's mystery or her quest will end here?
And, what should I say about Raj... isn't he the cutest guy ever?

P.S:- Someone is there who is silently protecting Rita...who?
For that...wait for next update.

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