{8} SCIENCE!!!

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Blaze's POV

I pretend to study the periodic table in front of me while Miss Chang walks around the room. I try copying down the elements from memory, but fail and move onto mixing random fluids.

I add a drop of something to a thin bottle, and pour in some other liquid. Miss Chang says to add only one drop of the last liquid, which was a little darker than the previous ones.

I carefully tip the beaker, trying very hard to only pour one drop. The liquid almost reaches the edge, but I pull it away when the door slams open.

I smile as soon as I see who it is. (Y/n) stands there with her hair a mess and her eyes tired. "Sorry I'm late!" she says. Miss Chang sees the bandage on her foot and simply nods.

Your POV

Blaze is smiling as he begins to carefully tip the beaker in his hand, but his eyes were focused on me.

"Hey, Blaze! Whatcha doing?" I ask, walking over to him.

"SCIENCE!!" he shouts, earning a shush from the teacher. He chuckles and pushes his glasses up. Wait, GLASSES?!

"When'd you get glasses?" I poke his nose.

"My eyesight is kinda off, I mean, I am colour blind," he says.


"Yeah!" he goes back to his tipping.

"What are you doing with that?" I point to the beaker in his hand, and he grins.

He leans in close to my ear. "Science..." he whispers. I roll my eyes.

He pulls away and returns to his 'science'. "Shouldn't you be using an eye dropper?"

One of his ears fold down. "Huh? What was that?" he asks, still tipping the beaker.

"Eye dropper. You should use one," I repeat, but he waves it off.

"I don't need one!" he loudly claims, standing up. "I'm perfectly capable of-- OOPS!"

The beaker slips through his fingers and spills all over the desk and its contents. Small popping noises soon became loud bangs as we stood back.

The mixture inside of the thin bottle was turning various shades of green and blue. 

"I'll save you!" he steps forward and blocks the top of the bottle with his palm. "See? Everything's all g-" The bottle underneath his hand explodes.

I duck under someone else's desk as all the other students scramble to avoid the explosive liquid.

When the dust settles, Blaze has his hand hovering in the air where the bottle once was, eyes wide in surprise. His hair had sprung up in tufts and the lens of his glasses were covered in ash.

"Blaze!" I run over to him and whack him upside the head. "Why would you do that?"

He smiles sheepishly. "No regrets, remember, (Y/n)?" I nod as he wipes his glasses off on his uniform, creating a black spot on the bottom of his blazer. "Now that that's settled," he pumps his fist in the air. "That... was...


...Time Skip...

"O-Oh, o-oh," I sing quietly as we walk down the hall. "My love is on fire, ooh!" I do a little dance and Blaze chuckles.

"You wanna know something?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Sure,"

"My love is "blazing" hot." I cringe both mentally and physically, but end up letting out a small laugh.

"That was so bad," I comment.

He smiles. "They're puns, they're supposed to be bad. Anyways, you have a beautiful singing voice! You should enter the talent show this year!"

I shake my head. "I don't like crowds. And, what if I-" he puts his finger on my mouth and grins. I sigh, knowing what he was going to say, and nod.

"So it's settled! (Y/n) the great singer is going to enter the talent show!" he loudly announces.

I was going to protest again, but I bump into his shoulder as we turn a corner to leave. Blaze's body is stiff and tense. "Blaze?" I lightly prod his arm. "You alright, man?" I follow his hostile gaze to see a smaller werewolf with green hair being cornered by at least three other werewolves. But one of them stood out.


Blaze growls, and I grab his shoulder to hold him back. "Don't do anything, Blaze. You can't unless you challenge him, remember?"

"You really think that you can beat me? You're just a weak coward," Ein boldly states. "Teach this Omega a lesson." The other werewolves nod hungrily and take a step towards him.

Blaze rips himself from my grip and runs towards him, taking enormous strides. "Daniel, run!" he yells, jumping in front of the small werewolf. He nods fearfully. "And take (Y/n) with you!" 'Daniel' locks gazes with me, then runs towards me, grabbing my wrist.

"Come on! We have to go!" he shouts, dragging me down the hall.

"But, Blaze!" I protest, giving one last glance at him.

Blaze gives me a grim smiles and mouthes something.

'No regrets. I'll be okay, (Y/n). Don't worry.'


I finally updated!! If you haven't noticed, I entered this story for the Wattys! Not sure if you just have to tag it and name it, but if not, oh well! #NoRegrets!

I just wanted to give credit to the song that I partially used in this chapter. It's called, "Playing With Fire" by BLACKPINK. They're a k-pop group, and their songs are amazing!

Happy reading! Lol, not really.

Myū, out!

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