First day of school

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A/N : First time writing fanfic. And I cant wait for next volume to come out.

Ruby P.O.V.

My first day of school. I groaned and stumble over bed and fall to the floor.
“Ruby, time for a bathh~” Yang chirped from outside and open the door and shocked. I groaned at her while my faced still kissing the floor. She laughed hard at me. I picked myself up and slap on Yang's back and take shower.

I dressed up using my dark red t-shirt underneath , black vest with silver lining, black skinny jeans and hi-tops boots with red laces and grab my backpack,luggages , Cresent Rose, red cloak and head towards the kitchen.

I shoved some cookies and milk into my mouth and heard Yang yelling at me. “Hey rubes,faster come here or we will be laaateee!” Yang shouted from outside the house. I quickly finishing my food and secretly put some cookies jar inside my backpack.For emergency hehe. I used my semblance to get to Yang. We walked towards the landing airship , where there were providing us transportation , especially to Beacon Academy.

I was super excited about this. I was 2 years advance for attending Beacon and that really mess me up. “Hey Yang , why am I advance 2 years ahead? It seems like everyone here are 17 just like you” Yang looked at me with curiousity at her face. “I dont know that either. Maybe you are the one who excellent student at Signal that put you there. By the way, arent you happy that we going to Beacon together!? Finally I didnt have to wait 2 years waiting for you” Yang hugged me hard. “Yang-s-staphh-I-I ca-cant breaathe” I gasped in her hugs.

She apologized as I start to mumble something to her. “I like going the same year as you but I dont want other people know that I was advance 2 years and it will make them think that I'm special. I dont want to attract attention.” I keep mumbling with my head down.

Yang sighed, “Well let them be. This is your dream , attending Beacon, the dream of every student here in Vale. And now you are here, on the way to Beacon, become huntress. Lil sis, just please dont think more about this” Yang patted my shoulder and look me in the eyes.That's my sister.

I smiled at her and look out from the window airship. The scenery was so beautiful that I gasped everytime seeing it.“Beautiful isnt it?” Yang approached beside me. I nodded and heard someone growled. I look at the right and saw this blonde guy puked in the trash can. I felt sorry for him. “Seems that the scenery isnt for everyone” Yang chuckled as she saw that blonde guy. After almost 10 minutes of riding, we had reached our destination.

I was twirled around in front of the academy. Yang slowly grabbed my shoulder then I stopped twirling around like an idiot. “Yang I cant believe I would be here noww--WOAH” I said with full of joy in my toned as I screeched around.“YANG! SEE THOSE BEAUTIFUL WEAPON THEY HAD! AND OH THAT ONE SO MESMERIZING THAT MELT ME MORE but still I'll be loyal to Cresent Rose” I pulled out Cresent Rose and rubbed my chin on it.

Yang laughed and soon she greeted by someone who I assume that they are Yang's friends. “Okay ruby, I gotta go with 'em so takecareyourselfandsoonwewillmeetupatdorm..maybe” Yang started to rambling to me as she was dragged by her friends. I stomped at my foot , angry at her for leaving me.

I turned around to take some nice walk. Not as nice as this. I stumbled over a huge cast of ... luggage? I struggle push myself up. “HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU GOING YOU DOLT!” I shrieked as I heard someone so close to me yelled at me. I looked at her , white haired girl with ponytail that adjusted at her right side and her angry face just creeped me out. “woah woah I'm sorry , it just an accident” I quickly apologized to her , as I grab all her luggage and hand it to her. She grabbed it from me, “Where did you put your eyes?!” she yelled, as she opened her luggage, checking her things in it. I rubbed the back of my neck.“You are good that this thing didnt fell! If it fell what you said for yourself!?” I repeatedly poked my index finger together as she stomped out and went to the Beacon Hall. I watched from afar. Sighed, Its so wonderful having a roughest day.

I felt a tapped on my shoulder. “Hey” said by the blonde haired guy while smiled at me. I let a sigh and notice something about him. “Hey... is it you are the one who puked in the ship?” I giggled a bit watch him embarrased. “Ummm...lets not talk about that , can we? By the way, I'm Jaune Arc.And you?” He gave me a hand for shake. “I'm Ruby , well it nice to meet you Jaune” I shaked his hand and we continue talking to know each other while on our way to Beacon Hall.

As I stepped in the hall, there was much more people than I though. Then I heard my sister yelled at me and I was excused myself from Jaune. He seems upset.

I approached my sister with annoying face. “Hey, why with that face?” She quirked her brow. “First , you left me. Second, I was accidently drowned in a big pile of luggage that this girl keep yelling at me and make my first day so 'wonderful'” I rolled my eyes to my sister. Yang just laughed at me. She didnt expected this to be happened. “That was the roughest day you got there, huh?” She smirked at me.

Soon , there someone who stand on the stage , assuming that he is our headmaster. Prof.Ozpin, he introduced himself. “Welcome to the Beacon everyone. I know this Academy really testing your adrealine of yours. We had managed to put our best on shaping the new person from you. To become Huntsman and Huntresses.To end your confusion about you will be doing today , we had prepared everything. You will receive your schedule in your scroll and that scroll can access to your door room and there will be your code for your own locker to put you weapon and other stuff. Each dorm will having four person. One person will be your teammates for the rest of your live” I gasped. “And the rest will be your team. We'd put the list in front of your door. That's all from me. All the best for your first day at Beacon” Prof. Ozpin leaves the stages.

Yang let me followed her went to the receptionist to get our scroll. “Hey , didnt expect that you will be the same room with me!!” as Yang chirped happily saw our room are the same through the scroll while hug me. I smiled faintly at her and get my scroll from her. Thankfully that I will be in the same room as Yang and be the same team as her. I wonder if both of us ended up partner? That would be easy.


a/n : sooo done for the first chapter.
love you guys 💕

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