what the... HELL?!

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Weiss P.O.V.

Grunted escaped from my mouth as I struggling finishing the assignment. It's almost Christmas but still, that dolt didn't even wake up from her pleasant dream. Damn her for not strugglimg here with me.

Things get roughed back in couple of months after my dad found out about my relationship with Ruby, and of course, he mad as hell. All the time he spat his words on me, I just stood there, tried to supress my laughter how that lil' moustache wiggling whenever he speaks.

Do I care for his opinions? Sure he blocked my bank account, but luckily there is a cafe for me to work with. And still I got the some savings worth thousand lien since I planned for this kind of backup if this things happened.

Then I jerked up when the door slammed opened with loud bang.

“AH! Weiss! Help me!” Yang practically jumped in the room and tried to close the door, but stumbled back when the door being pushed from outside.

“What in the remnant are you doing again this time?” I scooted over the edge of my bed, looking down at that blondie.

“I did nothing!” Yang exclaimed, on all-fours, she's crawling her life away when Blake came into the room, with her face red in anger.

“You supposed to handle your own goddamn business.” I rolled my eyes, seeing the two of them straddle each other with Blake tried to choke Yang's life away.

“What did she do?” I facepalmed, sighing as I tried to remove Blake before her girlfriend's funeral come fast.

“She disturbed me reading! With those laser!” Blake said, stomped her foot on Yang's as she stand up and dusted herself.

“I'm sorry! I'm bored and you wouldn't talk to me!” Yang whine, rubbing her foot after Blake stomped her.

“We are inside a freaking library and that place arent supposed to make any noises.” Blake encountered, gazing at the blonde before retreated herself away from the room.

“You're stupid, you know that!” I slapped Yang's head. Soon I walked back to my unfinished business while hearing that blondie muttering under her breaths for god knows what.

Time passed by and I had finished whole assignment. Stretched myself, walked back to our bed. Well, it is hurting me for like any other days. Slowly I touch her bed, resting my head on it. Guess that I've grown a bit tall than before. I smiled at the thought, slowly lifting myself up to her bed.

Red and roses.

“I kinda feel sorry for your own bed for being lonely every time.” I heard Yang's voices just across our bed. I turned to her while sitting down on Ruby's bed.

“I miss her.” the whimpered I'm holding on managed to escaped. Looks who's being weak right now. I shook at the thought as I try to supress my tears.

“Hey, I miss her too.” Yang leaned on the wall, now facing me. Slowly her head dropped, I barely saw her shoulder shaking. “Although things are settled down right now,” Her purple eyes soon meet mine. “I wish she's here, bring our feelings back. I couldn't think of losing someone again in my life.”

I gasped when I saw the tears streamed down on her sister face. For once, someone as strong as us, break down just by one person. Sure, she is the one who break us apart. She is the one that Yang have, aside from her father and her uncle. It's not my place to tell her I know how she felt, the excuses that everyone used to comfort someone. Sometimes it works, because you ever went through it. Right now, I'm in the dge of losing someone. It's only one person; but Yang had lost two person in her life.

Remembering back, she taught me something precious. About life. Just being with her. She show me everything that I never knew. Our friendship. Our relationship. We locked our feelings together on that one night. She may be younger than us, but in the end, I'm the one who immature.

In a swift moves, I jumped down from the bed and walked at the door.

“Where are you going?” I could hear the sobbed she's holding on. Yang peeked from her bed to me.



Standing outside the room, as I watched my little rose through the window. She still in peace although the tubes are still sticking on her body. My hand touched the mirror, mesmerized by the beauty of moonlight that fall on her face. For once, it comfort me that her condition are now stable, with her face are no longer pale with the helps of aura. But her mind remained unconscious.

Blake currently in charge to take care of her. She even pushed me out from the room when I'm insisted to stay. Well, that's why I'm outside of the room.

Sighed, I let my legs bring me up there. To the rooftop.

The night breeze calmed my mind down as I stared at the shattered moon. The world full of chaos makes the moon breaks apart by just seeing the condition of the world but still, it shines like the other night before.

Then I heard a footsteps. Fast moving footstep from the door.

Quickly I turned around, when the door burst opened. Kneeling there is Jaune, still gathering his breaths as fast as he can. Huh? I raised up my eyebrow, confused why he is here all of sudden.


Jaune lift his face up, his face grimaced in horror. His eyes looks like it would bulge out from the socket.

“Your dorm...Yang..” Jaune tried to explained, but his ragged breathing seems taking too much time for my liking. Burst in anger as I moves fast towards him.

“What's wrong?” I gripped his collar as I dragged him with me towards the dorm.

“Neptune. He's here.” Jaune exclaimed, as my eyes widen in shock. My feets quickly pick up the paces, ignoring the boy that still in my gripped.


What does he want this time?


a/n : Boom ! Cliffhanger !

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