Wake up, please

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a/n : Well I know I'm late but.....

In respect and honor of creator of RWBY, tribute to Monty Oum, I feel the need to update this book.

Keep Moving Forward.

Ruby P.O.V.


Where in cookies world am I?

Ouch. I can't opened my eyes. Why? My head spinning and buzzing like crazy. I could feel the coldness from surrounding but I can't seem to move any parts of my body. Like I'm paralysed.

What the—

Soon enough my eyes fluttered, adjusting to the light of my surrounding. Blue skies. Wind blowing softly through my skins.

Wait. Didn't the seconds before I can't even move myself?

Rubbed my eyes as I tried to stand. My knees wobble but I managed to stand up straight. Look at surrounding, it seems like now I'm at a field. Filled with white roses.

The scenery is too breathtaking, as my eyes caught the trailed opened in front of me, leading to somewhere else. My minds still unfunctioning well enough that I didn't realize that my feet dragged me along with the made up trailed.

My hand slowly reached the white roses all beside me. The corner of my mouth curved upwards. This rose remind me of her. Mom.

Then my feets stopped by itself without my command from my brain. Weird.

I managed to plucked one of the roses. My finger cutted by the thorns but I didn't care. Carefully I bring the rose to my nose, sniffing the scent that I'm longed to missed. It's takes one scent to bring back the precious memories.

Tears managed to escaped from my closed lids. As my shoulder began shaking from intense feeling that hurled in my body. The heartache that I had been burden all the years coming back.

“Ruby Rose.”

The soft, calming voices echoed around me, calling my name. The sound is so alive, so alive that makes my eyes open in a second, revealing a women in white cape in front of me.

My hand quivering, mouth trembling by the sight of her. The same eyes as me that always reminded of her, the soft yet  delicate face that she helds, and most importantly, the smiled that warmed my heart and the smiled that I wish didn't disappear from my sight from the day I held her in my arms.

“M-mom?” I couldn't believe this. My mom, she's here. SHE'S HERE!

Throw the rose aside as my leg pick up the paces and let myself jumped into her embraces that I missed for years. Like a kid back then, I let myself hanging onto her, giving her like how my sister gave hugs to everyone she love. The bone-crushing hug.

“I'm sorry. Please, don't leave me.” My tears running down like waterfall, holding her tight. Slowly I pulled my face to facing her, her gazed softly fall to mine, her smiled are still there. But she's a wrecked just like me. Tears on her cheek. Her head fall down, I could feel her shaking onto my arms.

“Mom, don't leave. Come back with us.”

Oh how I wish this is true. No. This is goddamn true. I can't lose her again. I can't make the same mistakes again. So I locked her with my hands. Fearing that she might leave again. I dont care if mom struggling to breathe, because I'm also choking every air just because of my sobbed.

“You had prove yourself out there. By saving the world from greatest evil. Still, there's a long journey ahead you.” Mom whispered to my ears, her faces now buried on my shoulder. Her hands now slowly wrapping around me, gives back the equal amount of hug that I give.

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