What could go worse?

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Weiss P.O.V.

Am I having hearing problem? Cause the last time I've heard voices calling after me is belongs to female.

“My, my, what a surprise?” The blue haired guy smirked, his stares fall on me as I stood there like a statue. Never I'd imagined that I will see his face. Especially right now.

Ruby softly breathing wakes me up from his stares. Slowly I leaned down to Ruby, not breaking our stares. I'm just afraid if he suddenly makes his moves. And I wasn't prepared for it. I need to bring Ruby back safely, she's my lover and leader after all. This mission supposed to not letting Ruby's power fall into the wrong hands.

“Don't try to run, snow angel.” He winked at me, still smirking. Safely positioned Ruby on my side, I tried to ran away but something makes me stop.

“Not that if I can help.”

A voice came out of nowhere, and kick me on my back, sending me crashed to the walls. I groaned in pain, as I saw my Myternaster being stepped and Ruby was being held by a women, damn that Cinder girl.

“Don't TOUCH HER!” Quickly I dashed towards her, but missed when a gunshot heard from my side causing me to flipped back to avoided the bullets. Emerald. I noticed that Neptune are nowhere to be found.

I glanced at Cinder, noticing she's walking away with Ruby with her, Emerald aiming her gun at me, Yang and Blake still fighting with Violet. This is hell fuck up.


Third Person P.O.V.

“Somebody tell me this isn't real.” Jaune gasped, pulled up his shield and his sword, while his knees shaking badly on the sight in front of him.

The head of  White Fangs, Adam Taurus, keeping on pushing them far with the help of his pawn. Mercury and Emerald succesfully escaped from the room and proceed to upstairs. Roman and Neo interfere whenever they needed.

“Jaune! Watch out!”

Jaune snapped towards the voices, found out Pyrrha reaching for him, but then a sparks ignite on his lover body, green sparks. Pyrrha's eyes bulged as she being stabbed at her back. (a/n: WHAT?)

“PYRRHA!” his ragged voice roared the entire room. A sword of red blazing through his lover's body, but fortunately with the remaining aura, Pyrrha successfully dodge out from the sword and tried to get to her teammates. Nora enraged forwards to distract Adam from marching towards Pyrrha. Ren and Jaune quickly sprinted to Pyrrha and help her with her wounds.

“Pyrrha! S-stay with m-me!” Jaune rubbed his eyes, tears pouring down his cheeks. Ren and Velvet now helping to regain Pyrrha's aura back.

“Jauney boy! Come and help us!” Coco shouted at him, dodging every single slashed and bullets that come through her.

Jaune hesistated, he keep rubbing his thumb along on Pyrrha's hand. Pyrrha slowly regain her energy, lifting her other hand and touch Jaune's face. Jaune quickly snapped his head back to Pyrrha, “How do you feeling?” Jaune gave a sad smile, placed his other hand on Pyrrha's that on his cheek. Pyrrha gestured him to leaned in, and kiss him passionately. Jaune blinked a few times, savouring his lover's taste.

“Why being such a crybaby?” Although Pyrrha's condition arent stable, but she did bring a smile to him. Jaune smiled a little, touching each other forehead. “I thought that I would lose you forever.”

Pyrrha slightly shook her head,“Go help them. They need you. I'll be fine.” Pyrrha breathes out each words. Jaune squeeze her hand and nodded, gave a lil peck and pick up his sword and shield. Ren and Velvet smile at the couple.

“Right everyone! This time, we will win!”


“Contacting General Ironwood. Are they ready? I'll send the location now.” A voices called over from the other line.

“Yes. Be prepared, Ozpin.” General Ironwood replied back, end the call and ordered his whole packs to be ready for a battle.


a/n : Oh my... kinda busy lately that I've got no time to even write this story or even online! Thank you for those who still following this story!

edit: I'll publish new story (still whiterose) when I'm finishing this story. So... anyone really into it?

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