Cold and Sweet

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3rd person P.O.V.

Ruby and Weiss started to get along since the day at cafe while team RWBY and JNPR know that Yang and Blake are a thing now.

“Soo... how did this happened?” Pyrrha asked, pointing to both Blake and Yang.

“Uhh.. its just... she confessed to me and luckily I'm also into yeah” Yang answered as she poked Blake's cheek that started to blush.

“Hey guys, you had someone with you to go to the dance this sunday?” Nora said as she glanced to Ren, hoping that guy notice her. Most of them shook their had except for Blake and Yang.

“I'm gonna said that this dance will go boom because my team are the one who handle it. Make sure you guys wear nice or else I'll make you” Coco said as she appeared out of nowhere at their table.

“That's gonna be fun!” Nora yelled as she jumped on the chair but held down by Ren.

The bell rangs after that and they moved to their next classes.


Wanna say it? or no..
Weiss groaned under her breathes as she struggled either want to asked Ruby to the dance with her or not. Weiss glanced at Ruby who concentrate on her doodling.

“Hey Weiss, you got someone with you for the dance?” Ruby asked as they lessons had finished for the day. Weiss shocked at the question and slowly turned her head facing that brunette.

“Why do you asked?” she said in nervous toned. why did she asked that? is she want me to go to? dance? with her???

“Nahh.. just asking. If you had someone in mind but scared to ask him, I will help you” Ruby said with her signature smile as they continue walked to their locker.

Weiss shook her head and focused forward, hoping different answer from that dolt, how could I asked for your help, if that person is you. Weiss slowly sighed as they headed to their locker.

“Hey Ruby” Violet said as she leaned to Ruby locker.

“Oh.. hey Violet. What are you doing here?” Ruby asked as she unlocked her locker after Violet moves aside.

“I need to talk to you about..something” she said to as she leaned to the next locker.

Weiss who across them arent that happy as she shoved her books in her locker and quickly make her way to their room. Not wanting to hear anything.

“Uhh..why with her?” Ruby tilted her head, moves her gaze to Weiss.

“Oh..sure she got something important that she rushed like that. Ruby, can you come with me? Just..for awhile” asked Violet as she wrapped her arms on Ruby's arm.

“Uhh..sure..why not?” Ruby smiled at her as she locked her locker and together both of them made their way to the nearest park at Beacon.


Weiss stormed into their room and slammed the door hard.

“Uhh..Weiss..I-I didnt heard you coming” Yang said as she struggled with the blanket on Blake's bed?

“What are you doing at Blake's bed?” Weiss asked as she quirked her brows. What makes Weiss eyes widen, when she saw Blake's head popped out under Yang's blanket and with eyes half-closed, she shocked seeing Weiss at there.

A moment of silence for three of them.

“WHAT ARE GUYS THINKING DOING IT IN HERE??!!” Weiss yelled to break the silence as she glared at both of her teammates, or more of a lovebirds.

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