White Rose

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3rd person P.O.V.

Slashing and clinging sound echoed throughout the training room. Dual blade meet big scythe.

“Ruby, whats wrong with you today? Your moves kind of sloppy” Violet asked, as she jumped back from the attack.

Ruby gasped, she never been like this before. She used her Cresent Rose to support her. “M-maybe lack of training?”

Violet frowned, “You are not focus during encounter. What's wrong?” She asked, as she placed back her twin long sword on her back, one is purple and one is black.

Ruby had her sad look, as she place her Cresent Rose on her back, Violet walked towards Ruby.

“Its...Weiss. She havent wake up yet. This is the third day”

Violet put on thinking gestures, “Is she hurt badly?”

“N-no.. it just...she..unconscious the moment I found her” Ruby said nervously, as she doesnt want anyone to know that Weiss was almost meet her death by attempting suicide. Enough for Blake and Yang to know about this. She had ordered both of them to not tell others, include team JNPR.

“You really a caring person, Ruby. I'm sure she will wake up. Dont worry much. Beside, you need to have hope on her” Violet smiled, as both of them walked out the training room.

“Why dont we head to a cafe before back to dorm?” Violet sugessted, and Ruby think for a moment before she nodded. A grinned crept up on Violet face.

“You seem off for last week. Like you avoiding me, avoiding everyone” said Violet as they drinks placed on the table by the waiter,“and I saw that too on Weiss.I didnt even see that both of you talked, even in class. Mind if I know why?” Violet hold her drink as she looked at Ruby, who seem sweat in nervous.

“I-I..its..uhh..both of us got into argument” Ruby said as she put her head down, staring at her drink. “She's the one who avoiding me. I tried to asked her why then she shut me off pretty bad” Ruby sighed, as she take her drink closer to her, and take a sip.

“Well, that explained a lot why the difference with both of you and her behaviours. That last three night, a day before I heard Weiss ended up in infirmary, I saw her in the hallway. I greeted her but she gave me cold stare” Violet said as she slowly stirred her drink with straw. Ruby sat there in silenced.

“She look better than yesterday” Violet said as she stared at Weiss, who seem sleep peacefully on the bed. Yesterday Weiss still had her pale face as her aura still cure the overdose pills in her body. Today, she look even better.

“Yeah, she's getting better” Ruby sat down on the chair beside the bed, as she stared deeply at Weiss.

Violet turned her head to look at Ruby, those face Ruby had really make Violet confused. She know that Ruby got something on Weiss. Its either she really want Weiss to be her friend or more. The way Ruby stared at Weiss is the same how Violet stared at Ruby, the girl she fell in love with.

Ruby rested her chin on her palm, as the soft beeping sound from the machine echoed in the room.

“I'll be leaving, Ruby. Thanks for today” Violet bowed at her, as she heard chuckled, “Okay, but why with this formal thing?”

Violet chuckled, “To spice things up, of course. But, thats not the point. I do really thanks you for today”

Ruby smiled as she followed Violet to the door. “Take care of her” Violet said as she waved at Ruby and Ruby nodded, waved her back.

Ruby walked back to the chair and sit down. Grabbed the heiress hand, who seem still cold, yet soft. Ruby smiled, as she slowly rubbed her thumbs on Weiss hand.

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