That's not a plan

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3rd person P.O.V.

“Uh it's kinda cold with those stares, right Weiss?” Yang snickered, as she readied her gauntlets, eyeing those white fang around both of them.

Weiss refill her dust, make the barrel spun in process. “Shut up you boob! We need to get pass through this to catch with the others!” Weiss raised her Myternaster, readied to slashed.

Yang shrugged, fisting her hand and began charging. She smashed most of the white fang's members with the help from Weiss.

Weiss started to panicked, as she heard screaming at the top of the floor. She gave a look at Yang, who's eyes already turn red due to the sound. Both of them knew it's belong to their leader.


“This. Is. Awesome!” Nora exaggerated, after hearing the plan both of the leaders planned of.Ren quietly nodded, as he will team up with Nora for surprised attack. Professor Ozpin instructed Jaune and Ruby for planning, and also lead their team with the attacks. They had given few days for planning, and now they gathered in the meeting room.

“Okay, let us brief for the last time,” Jaune said, eyeing to Ruby as the scythe wielder nodded, “Nora and Ren will make their way into the building, and by using Nora's powers, Ren will charge her and let her smashed the whole crew inside” Ruby smirked as she continues, “Jaune and Pyrrha will interfere afterwards, creating a path for my team will make our way to upstairs while the others 'busy' at basement.”

“And we will interfere if things got worse” Professor Ozpin walked in the meeting room.

“Good morning, sir” Ruby greeted, received nodded from her headmaster. “Although you got plans, but beware that they are more dangerous than those creatures you fought during training. Especially Cinder and the head of White Fang, Adam Taurus.” Image of the two of them popped out as hologram at the center of the tables. Blake hissed, which calm by Yang. They knew how Blake hated so much the red-haired guy.

“I can't wait to avenge him for all of things he had done” Blake growled, gripping on the tables.

“Yours battle might be for avenged and such,” Professor Ozpin speaked, take a sip of his coffee while eyeing both Blake and Weiss, “but please, do not let your emotions control you. It wont give you benefits. Instead, it will destroy you along with your comrades”

Everyone went silent in agreement.Then whispering voice heard out of nowhere. Ruby turned around, finding her uncle at the window, chugging his little flask.

“Uncle Qrow!!” Ruby surprised, seeing her uncle finally showed up after few years missing. Well, he went on a missions. Ruby then lunged towards her uncle, only sending both of them down to the ground.

“Hey kiddo, nice to meet ya” Qrow chuckled, seeing his niece snuggling with him. “I mishh chu” Ruby's voices muffles in his shirt, as Ruby burrowed her head on her uncle's chest. “There, there, I'm here now. You still such a kid.” Qrow stood up, bringing Ruby along with him to the tables.

Professor Ozpin leaned on his chair, raised his eyebrows when Qrow sit on the table, facing him.

“Hey grey head, you know this is dangerous to them right?” Qrow said, as he placing Ruby on the chair, turning back to Professor Ozpin. “There much amount members of white fang inside the building. With those only 8 of them against hundreds? You really risk your student” Qrow leaned forward, sipping his flask.

“Listen to me kids. As your headmaster said earlier, that those two,” Qrow gesturing to the hologram, “Are very, very dangerous. Plus, their henchmen are powerful. Please, I dont intend to interfere, which I already did, but you guys need much help in order to kneeled them down to us.”

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