First Step

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Weiss P.O.V.

I gritted my teeth as I held my fist, trying to be patience in class. I glared at Ruby, which is beside me, as she laughed and crumbled the paper and threw to Jaune, next table to her when Professor Port was leave the class, taking some document he left at his office. She was so noisy with her laughed and chattering.

As Professor Port back in class , quickly Ruby sit down at her place, taking her notebook and pen as I rolled my eyes. Moment passes and I glanced to Ruby, wondered what the hell this dolt are doing. I facepalmed as I saw Ruby scribbled her note, not taking any notes that Professor Port teaching, beside she just scribble. I focused myself at those boring lecture and soon I heard soft thumped.

I held my breath and slowly turn my head towards Ruby. I rolled my eyes as I saw she sleep her life away. Soft snoring escaped her mouth. How does she does not even care about this?

I poked at her hips causing her making soft yell. I swallowed the giggle that building up. I quickly glared at her and motion her to focused in class. She growled in frustration because I disturbed her slumber.


In our room I sit on our desk, finishing the project that Dr. Oobleck gave us week ago. Although he gave us a month to finished it but I want it to finish it faster.

“Weiiisss” I heard the dolt whined at me as she laid down on her bed. I raised my left eyebrow as I turned to her. “What!?” stone voice seems stopped her whined.

“Can we uh.. we go to the cafe again?” she jumped down and walked to me as she rubbed the back of her neck. “What are you think I'm doing?” I glared at her. “Sheezz.. I know you want to finished the project but come on... how can you studied like more than 6 hours” said Ruby. I glanced at the project, trying to digest her words. I rolled my eyes and went back to my work. I'm not feeling on going out.

“Is... this a no?” Ruby pleaded.  I didnt replied her. Soon, she exited the room. I sighed and slammed my head down. She really mess me up with her idea of going out.

I scared that soon I will started to going out often which will distract me from studying. Plus, I need to maintain my grades for my dear life. Enough to satisfied my father.

Ruby P.O.V.

I wandered around the Beacon again. ughh.. I just want to be friend with her. Why does she seem to push me away. I didnt do anything wrong. I sighed. Yesterday during pillow fight she seems, okay?  She didnt even turn to ice queen. She's rather... enjoyed last night.

“Hey what's wrong?” I jumped a little and turned around, fast. “Sorry that I startled you” Pyrrha put her right hand to her chest.

“Why you look.. upset?” Pyrrha asked as she put her hand to my shoulder.

“It.. Weiss” I held out a sighed as we both sit under a tree.

“Is she really not a people person?” I tilted my head to Pyrrha. “I had known her for couple of years, and yes she really not a social person. She rather do the team project on her own rather than having someone else do it.” Pyrrha leaned herself to the bark of the tree.

I scooted my legs up to my chest and hugged my legs. “It seems that I will having a difficult time to get along with my partner” weakly I smiled and let a soft sigh and put my head on my knees. “You really need much effort to be friend with her. Such as...” Pyrrha held her head up, thinking.

“Maybe if you be with her more. Just stick with her. Be patience because you will get bored easily when around her. That was what Neptune told me.” Pyrrha moved her head to my direction.

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