notification thirty-three

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i heard sirens coming nearer every second. it scared me but it also relaxed me. maybe. maybe everything could be better? i hope so, i really do.

in the corner of my eye i saw jungkook fighting to not cry and scream. he came here for me. why am i so selfish? he got hurt.

"what the hell? who called them!!"
he grabbed my wrists threatening to hit me again.

"i swear it wasn-"
i was prepared for a hit when.

"up with your hands and release your weapon."

two big and muscular cops stormed in and took his arm behind his back and put them in handcuffs. the other then helped me up but all i could do was cry. i pointed at jungkook and immediately after that two men came with a hospital gurney and laid jungkook on it.

"this isn't over!!" he screamed after me. i felt scared but the cops will take care of it. right?

outside my door i saw my neighbors amber and krystal. they looked at me with a worried expression and asked thousands of questions.

"what was happening? we called both a police and an ambulance. we heard screams and a gun shot, are you really okay?" amber took krystal's hand and squeezed is to comfort her girlfriend.

"i'm alright, but he isn't". i looked at jungkook with sad eyes, he was in so much pain.

"i suppose you don't have time for us to question who he is, but. hope he'll get better." amber said to me.

"thank you, really. you are the best neighbors in the whooole world." i looked at them one last time and then i went to follow jungkook.

i followed them and jungkook in, in the ambulance and sat myself down beside jungkook on a little stool.

third person's pov

"why did i tell you to come" taehyung whispered to himself and laid his hand on top of jungkook's.

"tae-taehyu-ng." jungkook stuttered out.

"what? jungkook?"

"you look beautiful taehyung."

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