notification fifty

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without me knowing it taehyung kind of made me more gay everyday – i mean i know i'm homosexual but he's so, oh shit i'm loosing myself.

i'm falling for him deeper everyday i think and i just can't hide it anymore from myself.

i felt like singing – so i did. i sang and i almost forgot i recorded it, i sang with so much passion, cause it is my passion.

the song came to it's end and i pressed the red button on my phone again to stop the recording.

i never did whole songs, i always did a lil' bit of a song but i got so into it this time.

i decided to just post it on twitter immediately. i waited a couple of minutes till i got the notifications of people saying how much they loved my voice and all the retweets and favorites.

i wasn't used to all the love even though i've posted stuff on twitter for so many months, i think i'll never get used to it.

[jungkook tweeted 13 minutes ago]

@ jungkookie
love this song ❤️

147 retweets 211 favorites

out of all the comments one reached out to me the most,

[ @ taelicious: this came right to my heart <3 ]

and then there was a knock on the door, "jeon jungkook" i heard a too familiar voice behind the door.

"it's open" i shouted back.

a click was heard and in came a taehyung, even though he left just a couple of hours ago.

"jungkook why do i always end up here, i can't even be home for five hours and not see you" he slipped out of his shoes and walked to me.

"well that's not my problem" i smiled.

"oh yes it is, because you'll not get a single lonely second in your life now, and it's your fault i can't get enough of you" he hugged me, i don't know why he did so but of course i hugged him back – just as tight.

"that video you posted was beautiful" he let go of me.

"thank you, you know what else is beautiful taehyung?" i had something so cheesy to say but i just couldn't stop myself.

"no what?" he asked in a curious voice.

"you" i giggled. "you are very beautiful"

"can you literally just stop now" taehyung chuckled with his deep voice and smiled so cutely.

"nope actually not, i'm in a cheesy mode and i really want to say one more thing taehyung-" i sat down on the couch where i was sitting before he came.

"-sit down you too" i gestured him to.

"spill" taehyung looked curious with a mix of happiness.

"so i know we haven't know each other very long but it's still some how a long time, and i know we just shared our first kiss today-" i felt fluttered when the memories played in the back of my head over and over again.

"-and i know we only are friends but i just-" i put my hand on the back of my nape and scratched myself a little – a habit i can do when i'm either nervous or confused.

with taehyung looking eagerly in my eyes this just got harder to say every second.

"-i love you taehyung and i know this is soon but i really do-" i felt my cheeks burning by now.

"ijystcantstopthinkingaboutyouandyouaresoprettyandiloveyougoshthisisembarrassing" taehyung stoped my babbling with a hug again.

he said something but his words was muffled because he had his face buried in my neck.

"i wuv ywou twoooo~" his words vibrated against my neck.

"taehyung i would gladly take this relationship a lever higher, would you like to too?" i asked still shy and scared of what his answer would be.

"yes!! i want to, but one condition"

"what would that be taehyung?"

"i want you to take me on a date this saturday evening, surprise me" he smiled his boxy smile.

"of course taehyung, and after that night i would like to call you my boyfriend if that's okay with you here" i asked unsure but happy with taehyung's reaction.

"yes, after that, you can call me yours" taehyung laced our fingers together.

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