notification thirty-seven

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author's pov

"you can go back home now jeon." one of the nurses said to jungkook who stood ready by the door with taehyung beside him.

"okay thank you so much." nungkook bowed with his head only not being able to do it with the rest of his body.

the two boys walked out the hospital, when it hit them.

"taehyung how are we going back?" jungkook asked and both of them looked like two question marks. jungkook looked through his pockets in both his jeans and jacket, and he actually found some coins lying there somewhere.

"here" he had his hands full of random coins and a proud smile stuck on his beautiful face.

"such a hero." taehyung half joked when they started to walk to a bus stop.

they arrived at the bus station and they didn't have to wait long until a blue bus arrived with the number '10' on the front.

the bus was too high for jungkook's leg so taehyung helped him get on the bus. jungkook then payed for both of them to step in in the warm driving object and sat down.

they sat next each other in a two sit, jungkook next to the window.

it didn't take long for taehyung to accidentally fall asleep on jungkook's comfortable shoulder.

jungkook didn't mind though, he just thought it was really cute of the older.


"taehyung" jungkook whispered and shook the sleeping boy's shoulders. "mmh~" taehyung just leaned in, in the others touch.

"taehyung we need to get off the next station" jungkook tried again to wake the other.

taehyung slowly opened his eyes and jungkook just couldn't help but think it was the cutest thing on earth.

he thought taehyung looked like a lost baby kitten when he opened his eyes tiredly.

"oh sorry" taehyung smiled awkwardly and stood up.

they got off the bus and they were lucky cause both of their apartments was really close the the bus stop.

they didn't need to walk long till they saw taehyung's place first.

taehyung eyed the big and high apartment house up and down, and he remembered what happened yesterday.

"jungkook i really don't want to go in there" taehyung looked at jungkook directly.

"you can follow me" jungkook said, taehyung just nodded at the suggestion.


then both of them ended up in jungkook's apartment sitting on his couch both with a glass of water. both taking small sips at once.

jungkook's eyes then somehow just got stuck on taehyung, never left him, watching everything the older did. taehyung noticed it and smiled at the younger not being discreet at all.

"why are you staring at me?" taehyung laughed and at the same time a tint of pink started to build on his cheeks.

"because you are beautiful"

NOTIFICATIONS | taekook ✓ Where stories live. Discover now