notification forty-nine

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it wasn't just to do something like that. braveness was in need and not a scared nerd.
how could i possibly kiss him and make him feel loved and good at the same time. make him feel safe and that nobody else would ever touch him. it was much pressure.

i've kissed boys and girls but this felt different, i can't just kiss jeon jungkook just can't do it.

"taehyung?" i shook my head and looked him in the eyes again. "you spaced out"

i laughed a little and looked down on my hand in my lap. they're sweaty and one of my knees are shaking.

hearing as something happened on the tv, we didn't even watch just had it on so it would not become awkward and quite maybe.

"taehyung... i... i want you to... you know... i want you to kiss me..." jungkook's looked really shy now and he was so cute. a light tint of pink on his cheeks – he was probably really embarrassed by now.

"for sure?" i asked, after he would answer i wouldn't be able to stop myself.

"yes, i wa-"


the wind still blowing a little in my hair from the window i shivered, taehyung came closer to me and i didn't want him to stop one bit.

as he came closer to me i couldn't help but notice his beautiful features ones again but this time closer up, the little mole on is nose was so cute and his lashes pressed against his cheeks and lips pink and plump, how could he be so handsome.

taehyung rested his right hand on the couch and leaned in a bit, i let myself meet him on the way – eyes closed and a weird feeling in my stomach. my thoughts going places i've never been to.

as our lips met butterflies filled up my stomach as cliche it sounds, it was a weird yet wonderful feeling. his lips moving in sync with mine, i didn't know what i was doing but it felt right. my hands slowly made its way to his neck and we slightly pulled each other closer.

it was a sweet kiss, being broken due to need for air.

my first kiss. with a person i really like.

i opened my eyes first and saw his closed and lips parted. as he opened his eyes too i may or may not have seen a tiny blush on his face.

"i think you kim taehyung just stole my first kiss" i chuckled still taken aback. looking down at his exposed chest, the gown wasn't attached fully, making his tan chest be seen, nice view.

"then i should take your second right away" and with that i fond myself in taehyung's arms again, lips touching his and a heart beating faster and faster every second.

i felt his tongue in between my lips and i automatic parted my lips more for him to enter, his muscle connected itself with mine and we shared a even heated kiss. both tilted heads so we could get deeper, it was a beautiful feeling. i didn't think a kiss could affect me this much, but it did.

two warm caverns become one, moving like one.

we ended it all with just a quick peck.

taehyung swallowed my pants took my hand and intertwined our fingers, in the same action pinching my nose with his other hand.

"i think that's enough, mm?" he looked at me panting. i felt embarrassed and just nodded.

with that he stood up and walked to my bedroom again probably went to change into real clothes.

finally i could just breath out deeply, what happened now, really was something, i thought.

he is something.

something to keep. hold on to.

i touched my lips and smiled, my very first kiss. how people have described it is true, all these feelings you never thought you ever would feel, eager to just want more of it. feeling the love with the other.

feeling the love with taehyung.

that was something i never would be tired off.

"done sitting there like a dork with that creepy smile?" taehyung came in, in the room again with the close from yesterday day, smelling sweat and alcohol.

"stop it, let me be" i whined, wanting to hit him.

"mkay cutie" he winked and showed his oh so adorable rectangle like smile which i adored.

NOTIFICATIONS | taekook ✓ Where stories live. Discover now