notification thirty-eight

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author's pov

"so can take the couch?" taehyung asked. it was late, passed midnight and both of them started to get really tired. they played mario kart several times and taehyung actually won every time. nungkook didn't know he was such a video game player, but he really was. taehyung even unlocked the crown cup and rosalina for jungkook. he sure was good.

"if you let me win next time on mario kart,, shit tae i didn't think you would be a master at video games." jungkook answered slightly impressed.

taehyung's brain was just filled with the way "tae" escaped jungkook's sweet lips. how the nickname just rolled to perfect on his tongue.

he liked the way jungkook said it.

"deal" taehyung agreed.


"here!" jungkook said and throw something at taehyung.

he looked up with a confused look, in his lap laid a white t shirt and a pair of dark green soft shorts.

"something to sleep in" jungkook said again.

"hope it fits."

"thank you" taehyung looked up,

"i'll go to the bathroom" he stood up from his previous sitting position in the couch and started to walk to the bathroom.

nungkook nodded and went to his room to change clothes as well.


taehyung walked out of the bathroom and into the living room again. jungkook stood and made the couch so taehyung could sleep there.

"need a hand?" taehyung asked, jungkook looked beside him and smiled how cute taehyung looked.

the shirt jungkook gave him was a little bit too big because jungkook was much more muscular.

the shorts fitted better but taehyung's waist was still smaller, so they were a bit big but it still looked good on him.

but jungkook thought about the most was that aehyung looked good in his clothes.

maybe he stared for too long again.

"you know,, it seems like I'm distracting you a lot" taehyung smirked when he saw jungkook got stuck on him.

"umm, not at all" jungkook said and looked away immediately embarrassed.

"yeah yeah, now, need a hand with that blanket? you seem to have a problem there" taehyung laughed at jungkook who couldn't get the duvet in the cover.

they stood on one each side and shook the quilt up and down till it looked good.


everything was done for bed time. jungkook and taehyung stayed to talk a bit but then both of them got really really tired so jungkook went to his bedroom and taehyung laid down in the couch.

it was exiting to sleep there taehyung thought.

he's here in jungkook apartment and he's gonna sleep here. blush.

both of the young boys fell asleep then, different rooms but same place, but also the same dorky smile plastered on their faces when they went to wonderland.

NOTIFICATIONS | taekook ✓ Where stories live. Discover now