notification forty-seven

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it was already 9pm the next day, and i was sitting on my my bed, computer on my lap watching one of my favourite movies,

whisper of the heart

it's a anime movie about a girl and a boy, both loves to read books, and they happen to read exactly the same books. it's really great. i could watch an action or horror but i was in the mood for a romantic.

speak of romance, i don't know what me and taehyung is, the only thing i know is that we both like each other. that's makes my heart beat just one extra beat every second.

taehyung haven't text me today though, and i'm not exactly starting to get worried because i know he has a life and he's probably just cleaning his apartment, but i miss him.

i miss him and we haven't been apart for that long, shit what's wrong with me, when did i become a sappy lil' shit.

i stop thinking and continue to watch the movie, this is the scene when they maked it till the top of a really beautiful view high up in the sky.

i hear my phone making noises in the background, i wouldn't pause the movie in general, it was a really beautiful scene, but i wanted to know it maybe taehyung has messaged me.

and my hopes was right, it was taehyung, i pressed my password and opened the text.

many thought spread my confused head now, is taehyung drunk?

baby hyung🐯:
kookieaahhh i a m thikinh abut yio

taehyung please don't tell me you're drunk

baby hyung🐯:
i wad jyst goinf to thw supewmarjet anf it waz sale on these eiggt pac ofg bear ((;())


baby hyung🐯:
uuyh i hav a halfg botle legt

baby hyung🐯:
mythumbs hurrt i'm two lasy tu corect my misspwllinhs

hyung where are you? you're home right?

baby hyung🐯:
i'm gonns go uot nowe it's so hot hwre

nonono don't go out, think of all things that can happen to you, a drunk boy alone, people aren't always nice

baby hyung🐯:
butt it's soooooooiiioooo horttt

baby hyung🐯:

baby hyung🐯:im gonnwaa go ourt soon, evwn thougf kookiw don't want mw to do so hihiwjiwhiw

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baby hyung🐯:
im gonnwaa go ourt soon, evwn thougf kookiw don't want mw to do so hihiwjiwhiw

where are you going?

baby hyung🐯:
i down't want to twll yoooiuuuu

taehyung was drunk but i somehow find him very very cute, and that's why i'm worried for him, i put on some shoes and a hoodie, going out of my front door, i just need to collect taehyung than,,,, i don't know, but he can't be alone

baby hyung🐯:
i put om my neew sweatwr look and my newewww beaniw

baby hyung🐯:

me:you look really cute, now tell me where are you going?? i don't see you

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you look really cute, now tell me where are you going?? i don't see you

baby hyung🐯:
youu dont sweee meee hhhhuuhhuuhhu


due to my still not fully functional leg i walked as fast as i could, seeing taehyung stand a little further away taking selfies i suppose to his phone in the air and even though i was far away i could hear his phone making sounds of taking pictures.

"taeehyuuung" i shouted at the top of my lungs. with that taehyung turned around and smiled with his tongue between his teeth.

"koooookieee~" he sing sanged and throw his arms up, god why is he like this.

"taehyung lets go in it's not that hot" i tried to convince him.

"but i'm reeally hot, like really really" gosh why is he so cute also.

i got a plan to make him listen to me, since i didn't have my crutches with me this time, because it wasn't painful to walk without them anymore just a little bit hard, i thought i could trick taehyung.

"aaaawwwwoo" i winced in my fake pain. i had laid myself on the ground. taehyung immediately kneeled down and looked really shocked.

"noo my kookiekookie, you can't die!!" he cried. i couldn't help but laugh at his stupidness when he was drunk.

"taehyung hyung, i'm not dying, i just fell, please can you help me get home" i asked and did my best puppy eyes.

"yesssss" he stood up and made grabby hands for me to hold and then he helped me up.

right at the moment we opened my door he let go of me and walked to my bedroom and plumped down on my bed and it didn't take long until i heard soft snores.

laughed at him, i took out my phone and snapping some photos of him lying in my bed.

guess i'm taking the couch tonight, i don't want to disturb him.

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