notification thirty-five

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author's pov

jungkook somehow fell asleep there on the bed, still holding taehyung's hand.

taehyung looked at the sleeping boy and just thought how lucky he is. it was a crazy first meeting but it didn't bother him. as long as he could see him now.

his voice fitted absolutely perfect for the boy, taehyung thought. all those covers became so clear now.

but why did he hide this beauty? he was so perfect and he looked so cute sleeping with his cheek squished into the pillow, with his hand his taehyung's hand, and lips slightly apart.

his lips looked too attempting taehyung needed to handle himself and shake his head messing up his hair a little bit.

it was late, but taehyung had nothing better to do than admiring jungkook just a little bit more. just for a moment.

taehyung heard small muffed words from jungkook, "co-cold." taehyung thought 'what?'

but he didn't want to leave the younger freezing, so he asked gently if he should lay beside him. the younger who had woken up a little bit cause he was cold just answered with a nod.

taehyung slowly laid himself next to jungkook, the bed was just a ninety centimetres wide but he worked it out in a tricky way after all.

he didn't know though where he should have his arms in the small small place so he just laid one of them over jungkook and the other under his own head.

he also didn't want to hurt jungkook's leg so he was very careful where he put his legs.

jungkook felt the weight on his body and smiled to himself, he took taehyung's hand and intertwined their fingers and pecked his hand.

taehyung who also was wide awake smiled even wider than jungkook. taehyung hoped jungkook didn't feel his heart on his back because taehyung's heart wasn't a joke right now. it was going crazy fast by now. all these new feelings surrounding him.

"goodnight" taehyung whispered to jungkook, not really knowing if he was awake or sleeping.

but jungkook could feel taehyung's breath on his neck and shivered every time.

' i am kim taehyung, now lying in the same bed as this beautiful human being and I haven't fainted yet. this is amazing '

and so did the boy's finally fell asleep with two dorky smiles on their lips.


"uhm,,, what are you doing here?"

NOTIFICATIONS | taekook ✓ Where stories live. Discover now