notification forty-eight

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[ (1) new tweet by @ taelicious]

waking up in a different apartment. i don't recommend you to get so drunk you can't remember anything 🤢

 i don't recommend you to get so drunk you can't remember anything 🤢

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"good morning" i said with my still hoarse throat, as a walk into the kitchen where i heard noises coming from, i remembered jungkook's morning singing and his light step.

"morning sleepy head!!~" he gave me a big smile and i just couldn't help but laugh.

"how did i end up here and in this?" i questioned the dressing gown looking down at my self, i didn't remember taking of my clothes. i didn't remember anything to be exact.

"well first of all, don't your head hurts? like you drank so much yesterday" jungkook questioned and walked to me and held his hand on my forehead. my eyes widened, i drank much? did i do something weird?

"uhm yeah when you say it, it hurts pretty bad" i groan and take his hand away from my forehead to hold it and give it a light squeeze.

"here have some water, i did this earlier, i put some lemon and lime juice in it" he handed me a glass with water with some green and yellow lemon and lime small pieces in.

"thank you" i took the glass and surprisedly drank the whole glass in one go, and let me tell you it wasn't a small glass.

"guess i was thirsty" i smiled, and he back at me, we always exchanged some smiles here and there and just looked into each other's eyes. i like it.

"now let me tell you what happened" he started and i just nodded absolutely agreeing, i had no clue what i was doing here.

"okay so you were drunk, and you drunk texted me" he said simply, in my mind i just face palmed my face over and over again. then i just nodded for him to continue.

"and yeah you said some things and then you felt hot so you wanted to go outside, and i become worried become if you would be outside late alone and drunk" he said.

"awe~ so you were worried about me" i leaned on his arm and tried my best to be cute.

"yes you stupid!" he said serious but one second later smile and just signing out loud.

"okay-" i laughed "-what happened then?"

"i went outside to find you, and somehow i got you inside, but it was not easy, let me tell you. you are a dumbass" he probably laughed when his memories from yesterday flew in his head, too bad i didn't have those memories.

"ohmygod sorry for causing you trouble jungkook" i giggled between the words.

"it's okay taehyung i just cared, i could have left you but that wouldn't felt right at all" i'm happy i got someone like jungkook.

"and then when we finally came home here you just fell asleep, you were like a rock who fell down in water, you drifted off to sleep really fast" the way he cares for me.

"but all this don't explain this" i pointed at the dressing gown.

"oh yeah, around 2am you were yelling about you being too hot and you tried to take off your clothes but you couldn't do it so i just helped you a little and gave you the gown" jungkook's lips is really pretty when he talks.

"okay but i didn't say something really weird" i asked nervously. bite my thumbnail a bit.

"no, nothing weird, you just yelled out 'kookie' in the middle of the night yesterday outside your house, you didn't want me to die" he laughed so cute, showing his bunny teeth.

"wait what, you die!?" now i became really surprised.

"i played hurt for you to follow me inside, you are annoying when you're drunk, don't drink so much hyung" he chuckled.

"alright alright" i agreed.


after we ate breakfast, just a simple meal, we sat down in his couch and just talked, talked about everything and nothing.

in the middle of our conversation i just spaced out thinking how beautiful he is. all of him. every detail all small things.

"taehyung?" jungkook waved a hand in front of my face to get me out of my mind.

i hummed in answer and he just looked at me.

"what are you thinking about hyung" he asked again and scooted closer to me.

i thought if i should tell the truth or come up with something but i always wants to be honest, with myself and you.

"i-" i didn't get out much more. still arguing with myself in the head either if i should tell you the truth or not.

feeling a cold wind hit my back as we opened the window for some fresh air. it was a beautiful day, cloudy but the sun was still outstanding with a beautiful birdsong heard across the streets, kids playing and shouting in joy. you could even hear the smallest sounds of bike wheels rolling on the old asphalt.


"jungkook i just really got caught in the moment and i have never felt a so big urge to kiss someone, you're a very handsome man jungkook, do you realize that? i just, i really want to kiss you jungkook" i turned around avoiding his gaze and hiding my blush creeping to my now hot flushed cheeks.

"ohh, and why don't you just do it then?" i heard his tone and he is definitely making a little bit fun of me. nudging my arm, because he wanted me to turn around.

"just do it, it's not to just do it"

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