notification thirty-four

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i waited in the waiting room for a nurse to come and get me. but it started to get really boring and i couldn't control my stress.

one, two, three, four, fi-

i stood up and walked to the nurse,

"can i come in to see him? is his leg okay?"

"it's all okay but he need to have crutches for a couple of weeks, for his leg to heal perfectly."
she nodded at me for me to understand that that's it.

"okay, it's the room on the left, the third door. okay?"

"okay" i nodded and smiled to her, then walked away.

let's see, the left, i looked at my left side of the hall way. it was five doors, the third one, i walked passed the first then the second.

why was it so hard to open the door and walk in? maybe because this'll be the second time we meet, and i was the person who did this, why he got hurt. i shouldn't have texted him.

it wasn't a lie either that taehyung may have caught feelings for the boy behind the door.

and the words he said to me in the ambulance, "you look beautiful" taehyung whispered to himself and smiled.

did taehyung even remember saying it?

i opened the door and looked inside the small room. jungkook seemed fine. he was lying on the bed switching tv channel every second.

he must have felt someone walking in, he turned his head to me and smiled, "taehyung"

"jungkook uhm-"
i walked further in and sat myself on the chair set next to the bed. "i'm sorry."

jungkook's smile faded and he looked serious in, in my eyes.

"don't be sorry." he shifted his position and held my hand. "i understand that you're sorry, but don't be taehyung. i came there for you, and sure i got hurt but i'm not dying, i'm perfectly fine." he smiled even brighter.

he got a really cute smile. his front teeth looked like a little bunny smile. i just wanted to cuddle him right there.

"i'm relieved you're okay." i rested my head on the side of the bed and breathed out.

"i'm relieved you are okay" jungkook said to me.

"that man, he hurt you, it was a torture to see. i wanted to protect you but i was to weak."

"you were there"
i looked him straight in the eyes and squeezed his hand. "for me."

NOTIFICATIONS | taekook ✓ Where stories live. Discover now