Prelude: Part 1

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(Banners done by ontheupsidedown )


Isa proudly stood at the door to the chapel of Effervescent Village as the sun was rising, calling out his friend's name. Clutched close to his chest was a small, icy Sandshrew, also calling out.

"Ayana, come on! We don't have all day!"

"Isa, hush!" A girl tapped his shoulder, turning him around. He looked to see Ayana, giving him an almost scornful smile with bright green eyes showing signs of relief. At her side stood her partner, Ralts. "Saints aren't supposed to get off on these days. Let's go before anyone notices I'm gone."

"Oooh, living a life of rebellion are you? And here I thought you were supposed to be Miss Perfect Saint of Xerneas." Isa waved a free hand at her tauntingly as they snuck away from the village.

"Shut up! It's not like I wanted to be a Saint. I'd much rather be a Duelist like the other boys. Even being a Woodcutter like you would be fun!"

"Nah, my job stinks! They keep telling me that I'll be done with it soon, and that I can go on to be a Duelist when I finish my job, but I'm the sixth person to do it in my family. Six!"

"Isn't that a lot of people, though? It's bound to be done soon."

"I should show you the tree some day. There's barely even half a foot cut into the trunk, and the trunk as a whole is at least four feet around! I bet you that Xerneas is picking favorites with that tree, and keeps restoring it at night, so we can never cut it down!"

"What? Xerneas wouldn't do that? They want our land and people to flourish! How could you ever make such an accusation!?" Ayana gave a glare to the boy, shaming the idea. 

"I've been cutting that stupid tree for almost a year now, that's why." Isa started laughing, and soon Ayana followed along. "Now, I'll race you! The Knights of Darkrai are supposed to be around here!"

"Really? Where did you see them?"

"Well, I didn't see them, but people are saying they're coming from up north. Maybe they're gonna invade Axiom!"

"Really? But wouldn't that be scary?"

"No way! We've got the Patrons to protect us, nothing bad's gonna happen. Come on, Ayana, don't you want to go check it out? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!"

"Are you sure? Aren't the Knights supposed to be really mean? I've heard stories from some of the older Saints that the Knights once tried to start a war with Axiom because they thought Miss Valencia was corrupt. They also apparently have really strong Pokemon and have even killed people!"

"Those are all just stories the Saints make up to scare kids like us from ever leaving the village! But we're smarter than that. Besides, what's life without a little recklessness and fun? I thought you were the girl who wanted to become a Duelist."

"O-okay. Just if anyone starts being hostile towards us, we have to run, okay?"

"Alright, Ayana. But if anyone starts hurting you, I'll be sure to protect you! That's a Duelist's job after all!" Isa pumped a fist in the air, smiling at Ayana. She gave him a small smile back, almost trying to comfort him.

She still felt like worrying though.


"You're the best, Ayana, you know that? I completely forgot about lunch!" Isa was shoving a sandwich in his mouth, his Sandshrew promptly following on a snack of berries. Ayana simply laughed.

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