17: Fire and Ice

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"Valencia!" Isa's voice echoed in the room, both Valencia and Ayana falling silent. "Your reign is over! Surrender now, or surrender will be forced upon you!"

"Well, aren't you a cocky one?" Valencia slowly turned to face Isa. "How long have you been fighting? A month? Maybe two? I've been fighting for centuries against anyone who dares to go against Axiom. Axiom was a perfectly fine region, that is until those Mercenaries decided to show their face. I thought I was finally rid of them, but of course, that one just decides that he has to come crawling back from the grave, only stalling his end."

"Says the one who's been alive for centuries." Isa gripped the sword in his hand a bit tighter, walking to stand next to Ayana.

"It's good to see you back up." She commented, shifting her gaze back to Valencia. "Garchomp, Earthquake!" She offered her hand out to Isa, pulling him up onto Garchomp's back.

"Sandslash, build up some ice and get Houndoom up with you." Isa yelled down, prompting a wall of ice to form on the ground. The ground beneath them trembled as Garchomp flew the two into the air, touching the ground again as soon as the quake stopped. Valencia had been knocked off her feet, but was getting back up again. "Houndoom, now!"

Isa closed his eyes and muttered a quick, "please work" underneath his breath before grabbing the keystone tight in his palm. "Mega evolve!" His voice shook as he yelled, opening his eyes and looking back at Houndoom. There was a slight delay before Houndoom let out a tremendous bark, light coming from the collar it wore. Isa smiled in awe as the light came from his palm, connecting with Houndoom's light to turn the Pokemon's form into the mega evolved form.

"So you really were close, then? To be able to pull off mega evolution with the Pokemon of a friend? Fascinating. I wonder if anyone else would be able to pull it off?"

Isa remained silent as Valencia spoke, glancing back to Sandslash. "You've still got enough left to pull it off one more time?" Sandslash gave a nod. "Okay. Ayana, you ready?"

"Of course." Instantly, Ayana dashed forward, making a swift downward cut aimed directly for Valencia. She was quickly blocked, but both girls staggered back from the impact. Valencia was the first to recover, moving to the side and pointing at Ayana.

"Dark Void!" She called out with a faint dark glow to her hand. Darkrai followed the motion, extending a hand out. A beam of darkness shot from the Pokemon, Ayana just barely dropping to the ground an rolling out of the way.

"Isa, if you're going to do something, do it now!" Ayana yelled back.

"I'm still thinking!" Isa responded.

"Well, you better hurry up!"

"I'm trying! Houndoom, keep Darkrai off of Ayana!" Isa pointed ahead, the doglike Pokemon giving a firm bark before sending a stream of fire up in the air, taunting the nightmare Pokemon. "Sandslash, back her up if she needs it!"

Sandslash moved ahead, running in towards Darkrai. Between the distraction of the fire and Sandslash beginning to attack, it was enough of a delay to get Isa to Ayana's side. "Never thought you could be such a leader."

"Me leading? No way I'm doing this on my own." Isa commented, his grip on his sword tightening with a small smile. "You fight her, I'm no good at one-on-one combat. I'll sneak around her and grab the necklace she's wearing. If it's anything like Aurora, she'll lose all her power as soon as it gets taken away from her."

Immediately, Ayana darted forward, raising her sword in the air. She slid on the ground and put her sword flat side up to push back the attack Valencia made. "Go!"

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