Epilogue: Metamorphosis

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The first thing Isa noticed as he broke through the leaves was the moon shining over Axiom. It was almost brighter than the sun, casting a light that set just over Effervescent Village. The light it gave was a soothing, warm light, yet cold at the same time. He could feel a small smile attempting to crack on his face, and after a moment, he let it through. He took a breath before beginning to speak in a low whisper.

"You know, I'm beginning to wonder if this is pointless or not, but I'm still doing it, so I guess it isn't. Ayana's always told me that doing this is okay as long as I don't get too hung up over the past, so I guess it's a way of coping. Funny, isn't it?" Isa let out a small laugh, pausing before speaking again.

"I still don't know if I like potentially being Axiom's leader. It feels like I'm taking your place. I know you would have probably jumped on the chance to be able to lead people out of the misery that Valencia left behind and forming new alliances to help people out so they wouldn't have to live how we did. Ayana and even the three leaders in Ruria seem to think I'm doing a good job. We're actually almost done forming a treaty. I didn't think it'd take so long, it's been a few months since we first started talking about a treaty, and that talk didn't even start until a few weeks after Valencia fell.

"Part of the treaty makes me a bit worried, though. We just established the final terms today, basically Ruria wants to form a new alliance with Axiom, and through it a new organization not too different from the ones like the Patrons and the Knights. Ayana suggested that we call them the Mercenaries of Aura. She said that we'd use 'Aura' in honor of all the different kinds of aura that are present in both Axiom and Ruria, and 'Mercenaries', so that everyone could remember the person who made the peace happen. They all want me to become the Admiral to these new Mercenaries, though, and I feel like it's just replacing you even more if I say yes. I know that'd you'd tell me to take the job and be 'better than you ever were', but I don't think that I'll be able to handle it all.

"For now, Ayana's been helping me out with rebuilding Axiom, but she said that after awhile she just wants to go out and try to find herself, whatever that means. I think it had something to do with wanting to finally let go of being a Patron and build herself a new personality. Makes sense, I know I'd want to do that after being in her shoes. I feel like it's a bit selfish to keep asking her for help. She's got things she wants to do, and she can't go do them if I'm holding her back. I'm just not sure of anything at this point. I'll think of something eventually, though, so don't worry. I'll update for you again tomorrow. Maybe we'll come to a decision on the whole Mercenaries of Aura thing by then. Ayana and I are heading over to Ruria to possibly finalize the alliance. Well, talk to you later."

Isa held a tighter grip on the branch he was holding, looking farther out across the horizon with a slight frown. Luminia shone faintly in the distance, a bit dimmer than what he had remembered. Maybe they're finally starting to quiet down. He sighed before looking back down, scaling the tree and returning to the ground.

With no one to tell him what to and not to do, Isa had slowly turned the tree that had once been a burden for the people of Effervescent Village into a quiet retreat where he traveled every night, escaping from his new role. Every night was the same, climbing to the top of the tree as he had been shown, and speaking to a friend long gone.

At the bottom of the tree, Isa almost jumped when he saw a small, hunched over form. It knelt on the ground, facing the sloppily made headstone and dusting away some of the grass that covered the words. In the air just above, a small, wispy Pokemon was watching, the darkened seafoam green blending into the night sky. "Hello?" The figure jumped just as much as Isa had upon Isa's voice breaking the peace of the night.

"Ahh!" A small girl's voice called out. The form jolted up, whipping her head around to look at Isa. She fell over, a hood falling from around her head and letting strands of long, deep gray hair fall from around her head. The young girl's eyes pierced the sky, a bright blue that watched Isa in fear. Likewise, the Pokemon next to her sunk to the ground, now floating at the girl's side, although slightly behind her. She threw her hands out as if trying to cover Isa's face from her sight.

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