4: Mercenaries No More

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"So what are they gonna do about it now?" Kaden asked, the two heading back to the village from the tree.

"I don't know yet. My dad said that there's gonna be a meeting on it tonight. Speaking of, we have to go to that. The meetings always have two representatives from each of the major jobs worked on in our village as long as there are two in the job that are at least 16. So since we're the only ones, we both have to go."

"But what did they do when you were the only cutter, or when you were too young?"

"Actually, I don't know. Meetings like this only happen once in a blue moon. There's only one that's ever happened in my lifetime, and since I didn't have a job but my dad was one of the representatives, I had to tag along. All I remember about it is that it was really boring."

Kaden laughed. "Of course a kid would think that. I'm just not so sure on why they're agreeing to let me join in if I just got here."

"Don't say that. I'm sure you'll have something to say. Besides, it affects everyone, not just the people who have been living here since the beginning of time. Come on, I've got something I want to show you before we go to the meeting. It's close by." Isa went off the path leading back to the village, waving for Kaden to follow.

The two boys went through a small wooded area before coming on an old house. It clearly hadn't been inhabited for many years, as many branches were growing through windows and an assortment of plant life grew up the side of the house. A few bug like Pokemon were poking around at the plants, scattering as Isa came closer. Isa held a hand out to the house, feeling against the side for the door. He felt the door, and started clearing away some plants at the bottom holding it shut.

"So why are we here?"

"It's the perfect hiding spot for what I need to show you." With one push, the door of the house flew open, Isa nearly falling over with it. "Come on!"

Kaden followed Isa into the house to see Isa holding a light blue sword. "Whoa. Where did you get that?"

"It was a gift of sorts. When I battled the Knight that took Ayana away, he gave me this sword for the duel and never took it back with him. Rika was the one to grab it for me, though. She always knew I wanted to be a Duelist, so she gave it to me. Whenever there are rest days, I use them and try to figure out how to properly use this sword by imitating what I've seen others do. I'm not that good, but it's enough for self defense if we end up getting attacked now that the Mercenaries aren't around to help us. So if we do end up getting attacked, and I'm not around to grab it, could you come and grab this sword and fight?"

"You make it sound like you're gonna die." Kaden laughed a little.

"I mean now that the Mercenaries are gone, it's not entirely out of the question."

"Isa, you're such a pessimist! Lighten up a bit! Seriously, you worry way too much. If you stopped worrying and started acting, then maybe we'd be out of this village by now."

"Yeah right. What does worrying have to do with cutting down a stupid tree?"

"Maybe it doesn't have to do with the tree. Regardless, try to have a little more fun, okay? And no one is gonna die. Trust me on that one."

"Whatever you say." Isa set the sword back down, covering it again. "Let's just get back home. My dad will almost definitely kill us if we're late."

"Alright, Mister Worry-Pants." Kaden snickered, getting a glare from Isa.

"Don't call me that!"

"Why not? I think it suits you quite well."

"Just... Don't, okay?"

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