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~Harry's P.O.V~

Well that hurt. It was like a hole in my heart but she looked tired so I guess I understand. I will just tell her tomorrow and I hope everything goes well, I think she thought I was even weirder that I knew were she lived. Even though it's not that much of a surprise we kind of live in the same neighbourhood she just lives in the other side of my street.

I don't think she will feel the same way I do. I like her a lot I'm so happy that I know her, I'm glad because that is the best thing ever.

She makes me happy even though she doesn't talk to me, it's just that when she laughs it is the sweetest thing I have ever heard and she has beautiful eyes. Am I in love with her? I have questioned that to myself a couple of times. I'm not sure, I think I am.

Hopefully when I tell her she will feel the same way but I doubt it. She does seem like a bitch and she may just laugh in my face and walk away.

I just walked home thinking about what she will say the possibility that she will feel the same way or not but I will think poaotive and hopefully I will be happy. Not just myself but with Skylar also. I would be the most happiest and gratefull man alive.

She completes my world like no one else has is that even possible? You ask. Well you see it is because you just can't see it or realize it that you can't live or breathe without the person in your head, it just happens it's the same thing just as love. Every waking minute you can't stop thinking about that special person.

Just as I was walking to the front porch of my house happy thinking about Skylar, my drunk brother comes toward me and says all this dumb shit like "you little shit, you mean nothing to me mom doesn't even love you she never did either did dad they just pretended that they did. Dad told me you were a mistake and they didn't love..."

"Stop that isn't true your just drunk and you don't know what your saying. Mom and dad did love me!"

Just as I said that I ran to my room and just started to bawl my eyes out.

I can't believe he told me that I know it shouldn't get to me I just couldn't take it anymore.

Ever since mom and dad died he has been getting drunk ever since and I don't understand why. When I got told that they didn't make it. That was it I was broken and I don't think I could've ever be fixed I was just so heartbroken and I thought maybe I could get past the tragedy that my parents are gone forever. Some people wouldn't be able to handle the truth that you wouldn't have parents that will love you or care for you anymore. I managed to try to think that they were in a better place that they wouldn't suffer anymore or go through pain, I remember going to the hospital and going into each of their rooms and looking at them dying and thinking that this was all my fault. I remember my mom telling me "Harry I love you so so much and I don't want you thinking this was your fault okay this was just something that happened and I love you so much okay my love" and she was gone. That was the very last time I ever saw her or heard her.

~Skylar's P.O.V~

Why was 'He' in my house doesn't he understand that I don't like him or... Wait how does he even know where I live?

That was least of my worries all I cared about was that I had a major credit and that I wonder I'm my foster mom Anna knew where I was because I was home pretty late, well it was late for her because her curfew for me and Julie was 10 pm but she trusted me and knew that I would be making the right choice even though I wasn't. Well maybe if they knew they would think that is wrong and this whole speech but I think I was making the choice that was right for me.

I was heading downstairs when I heard little whimpers, and I questioned who was doing that but then I saw it was Julie.

I went to the living room and sat next to her and asked her was wrong even though I didn't really care because I was tired, but I decided to be nice. She opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out only more tears from her eyes. She then just gave me a hug and I comforted her so she would at least calm her crying for a bit.

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