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~Harry's Pov~

As I was walking back to class I had bumped into someone why was I so clumsy?

"Great fucking great!" the girl said well she practically yelled. I dropped all her stuff and I felt bad because she was already late to class.

Just I was about to help the girl I saw that It was Skylar, I had a crush on her for quite a time now and I never had the balls to tell her because she would either not care or pretend she didn't hear me. Which makes me not want to tell her, but I just can't think of ever not liking her. She was beautiful and she had the most adorable laugh I have ever heard. Everyone says that she is an uptight bitch but I don't see it or... maybe I do, I don't know.

After I just stared at her for like 5 minutes I decided to be a good sport amd help I had already bumped into her that was the least I can do.

"Next time watch were you're going" was all I heard amd she left, all I got to say was "um... okay sorry" what an idiot I should've said something. Well it's too late anyways.

I couldn't get Skylar out of my head she was just the perfect girl for me, you probably think I'm like obsessed with her but I'm not I just wish she would talk to me or even know I exsist that actually makes me sad. But hey I can't just be sad forever hopefully I will tell Skylar how I feel.

~Skylar's P.o.v~

I hated Zach so much he broke me and I don't think I will ever be fixed, you have no idea how much it hurt to see him having sex with another girl right infront of my eyes. I mean me and Zach didn't even have sex because supposedly we weren't ready. Well I wasn't and he agreed to wait until it the perfect timing but I guess that was never going to happen.

After we broke up I kind of had my own way of thinking to be happy. I wasn't just going to be sad and depressed for an asshole. Hell no. I did start to get new friends and started to hang out with the "wrong" people as my mother says but they are my friends and that's it. People always think i am a bitch but I don't really care what other people have to say about me I am who I am and I can't change that.

Eventually I will fall in love with someone else but It can't be some nerd like that guy Harry he's so weird he always stares at me and im like 'what! Do you need something'. Why does he think that I will like him back or something? Because i'm damn sure I won't like him.

He's annoying also well he doesn't talk to me because I don't let him. Earlier today he bumped into me and he just stood there staring for like 5 minutes. Well hello aren't you going to help me!

Enough time to think about aomething else. Maybe I'll take a nap in class.

~Anonymous P.o.v~

I will get her even if it takes kidnapping her I don't care l, I will get her back and do what I was going to do to her but I didn't have a chance. She will be ruined by me and that would be wonderful for me, because I will get the pleasure that I have been waiting for.

She won't even expect what is going to happen to her.

~Skylar's P.O.V~

The bell rang and I got out of class, ugh I was so glad that class goes by fast it's so boring.

"Hi skylar" Harry said to me

"What do you want?"

"I Just wanted to apologise for bumping into you earlier I wasn't paying attention..."

I started to zone out because I don't really care what he has to say. So I figured maybe I should hook up with someone or skip class. Yeah I'll skip class.

"That's great, I forgive you I have to go bye"

Then like that i left i kind of felt bad, wait no i don't i dont like nerds and i shouldnt care what he says. I left school and i was so happy i wasn't in that hell hole school is just boring why would they invent that shit like you can just be dumb forever no im just kidding.

~Harry's P.O.V~

What? Did I do something wrong, she just left like if I wasn't here. That was rude! I guess she is a bitch. No she's not maybe she had to go somewhere I don't know but that was kind of heartbreaking, but I can't really do anyrjing about it. Well better get to class just like that as I was walking to class I had bumped into someone else.

Why am I so clumsy. Im really sorry I wasn't paying attention and I...

"It's okay I wasn't paying attention either, I'm Brooke and you are? " she said

Gosh she was so beautiful her hair was long all the way down to her back and her hazel eyes oh my ... Wait no I like Skylar she has long blaxk hair and beautiful green eyes.

"um... I'm Harry, im really sorry but I have to go bye Brooke"

I just left thinking I can't like two girls it cam only be one and I think Skylar is the one. I have to find her after school and tell her how I feel because I think I truly love her.

~Skylar's P.O.V~

First I need to go find Sam he always has the stuff that I love and it helps so much I'm going to give him a call.

"Hi Sam there?" "Yes hold on" alright then S always had girls over he was like a slut but a guy "Hello this is Sam who's calling? "

"It's Skylar. Do you still have it?" "Yes come over and i'll give you a sale" "okay be there in a bit."

Maybe that isn't the smartest choice ever but that's how I calm my self I just relax and get high all the time. My life my decisions and no one can tell me other wise.

I got to Sam's house in like 10 minutes he doesn't live that far away from the school, I walked up to the door and rang the doorbell like fucking 10 times. He never opens it takes him like ten fucking day to open the door. He finally opens the door.

"What were you doing?, you take so damn long!" "Are you going to want some or not?"

"of course I needed some for a while now"

"okay I don't need your life story"

"Okay, Okay." I gave him the money and just as I was about to leave he asks me

"want to have sex? I can gIve it to you for cheaper?" "Let me think. Fuck no im not just some slut you can sleep with and just then let me go like a piece of trash" I huffed at him then left.

He was always so desperate to have sex with me well anyone really.

I had taken the stuff and I felt great more alive than ever. I went home and saw that Julie was all sad and I was deciding if to go over there or not so I chose not to. I don't want to hear her shit about Cody maybe they broke up thank the lord of they did he was annoying. Maybe I shouldn't be saying that but damn he was.

As I was going to my room I was entering but before I did I was yanked by the arm...








Just kidding it was just that stupid nerd Harry. Wait how did he even get to my house? Why is he even here.

"Hi skylar" his high pitch voice rang through my ears

"what whatever it is can you tell me at school I'm so fucking tired and yeah, so can you leave?"

Just as I said that he left.

~Authors Note~

hi guys well I just wanted to say what did you think it was kind of a long chapter well at least longer than the others. Well I want to apologize for taking such a long time its just that I have school and homework and such, but yeah keep voting and comment. ilysm .xx

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