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He is the most beautiful person in the world.

He has good looks has a nice body and personality.

How can there be someone as perfect as he is??

I love him so much ...

But I can't tell him..

I'm so hopeless..

That was what I thought before I was kidnapped by "him".

It was just a normal night that day, I was working an extra shift. Everybody had gone back home and I was the only one doing paperwork in my cubicle.

The lights were turned off except mine. It was quiet yet scary at the same time. Who knows what I can do if I'm attacked. I'm all alone.

I was trying to finish the paperwork that the manager gave me but it was so much. I took a sip of my coffee and keep tapping on the keyboard of my laptop. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the watch on my hand ,0045

It's so late. I'm tired my eyelids were going to close. I tried hard not to sleep and kept tapping on the keyboard.

"You're still here?" I jumped and looked at the door , a silhouette of a man. He was tall with light brown hair with it combed back.

He was wearing a formal suit.

It was "him".

"H..hi boss. Why are you here?" I question him,he laughed "I scared you didn't I ? I'm sorry."

"It's okay. So what are you doing here? I thought everybody left ." In this hour everybody should have gone to sleep it was a Friday so everybody left early.

"I came to see you." My heart throbbed when I heard him say those words he walked into the light and I could see his face clearly.


"I always liked you Yoonbum. From the day you came to the company.." He lifted my head by my chin and planted a kiss on my lips.

I can't believe this is happening..

We kissed and made out he told me to lie on the table an he removed my pants and boxers.

"Ahh...So..good..." He slid his wet fingers in me and started to explore around it . He touched my sweet spot and I moaned.

After making me quite loose he put his member inside me and thrusted in me. His hand explored around my upper torso while his other hand stroking my member .

I was being given pleasure all night. My voice almost cracked because I screamed too much.

I never knew what was going to happen the next morning.

When I realized it , I was too late..

When I woke up and couldn't see anything it was pitch dark and it was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

"Where am I ? Let me out!!" I tried to get out but there were chains stopping my every move . I was stripped with only boxers on. Suddenly, a door opens and I finally see light and him.

"Sang...""You're very noisy you know. Could you shut up?" His voice was very cold and I thought he would help me get out. He rubbed his eyes with his long sweater sleeves .

"Please get me out of these chains..please.." I begged him he gave me a cold eye "I tied you here you slut."


"You like me body don't you ? You screamed my name the whole night."he kicked me , I scream in pain and he just told me to keep quiet.

"If you make a sound I will cut your tongue out got it?"he grabbed by my neck choking me "Kaaa..y..yes...hah"I can't breath.

Who is he?

This is not the man I knew that night..

He released me from his grip and I gasped for breath. He turned his back and got something.

"It's dark here isn't it?" He looks at me he lights up a candle and walked towards me.

He positioned the candle near my chest " You're skinny where is the fat?" He nudged my stomach , it had scars and I was so skinny that you could see my ribcage.

"Well there is no fun cutting you then but burning you is an option." He smirk with an evil look, I begged for mercy " Please no.. Please don't.."

The oil from the candle dropped and hit my skin it hurt .

I scream and struggle but it kept dripping on me .

"It's just going to hurt more if you struggle."

He burned me until the candle was all used up he was tired of me and went up.

I was left there sobbing. Someone help me from this hell..

Help me ..

Please ...

Just kill me already..


(To be continued

SORRY FOT THE LATE UPDATE! I was busy for the blood donation campaign that is happening in our school so I was so tired that I fell dead on the bed!!! Sorry! I'll try to keep my updates as fast as I can!! till then bye~ btw check out my other books jut click my profile and you can see and read them if you like

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