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Hey..I know this was supposed to be a completed story..But...I can't help but write something here..Well I just had ideas on the typical boring Chinese class with that teacher I never really liked..And here I am.. well here you go.

What if Sangwoo didn't snap out of his state?

What would happen?

"I can't love you anymore..Sangwoo...I can't ..."I held my children in my arms, he was shook. His figure approached me and I flinched at his dominating demeanor, he stood over us with those eeriely glad eyes, if i had learnt something from all those days in the basement,it's that this man is a fucking psychopath.

When I looked up he gave me his classic glare, he gave me a creepy smile and pulled my hair up, my brows furrowed at the sudden tug. It really fucking hurt.

"Oh you're not going anywhere bitch. As long I have you that's enough." He had this psychotic expression at that time, I was shivering like crazy. His husky voice was sending shivers down my back,he threw my fragile body against the wall and  my legs melted to the ground. My body had instinctively grew weak when I saw him, fear coursed through every vein in my body.

I couldn't move any inch of my body or muscle, my body was more scared than my mind. I held my children tightly, he circled around us like vultures. In a quick instance, he made a move.

He snatched both of them away from me, it happened so fast I couldn't react, I fell to the ground because of his force. He took them away as they screamed and cried, my heart was shattered. I screamed and tried to move, I crawled but he closed the sliding door before I had the time to pull on his sleeve.

The door slammed against my nose and I felt liquid dripping down my face, I held my nose as tears came pouring down like a never-ending waterfall, I didn't know what he was going to do with them, neither I knew where I was and what just happened. I felt helpless as their guardian, I should've protected them...but in the end I was as weak as I was back in that basement where I first met Sangwoo. I felt so heartbroken and worthless.

The only thing on my mind was that I wanted my children back,I cried and cried for who knows how long. My eyes were swollen and red, I closed my eyes slowly and I start drifting apart away from reality...


What is this smell..


I hear voices..

It smells..

grotesquely disgusting.

"Bummy wake up.."

Who's that calling me?

Is it...you...

Is it you Seungbae?

"Wake up."

I open my eyes as I feel something cold touch my porcelain skin, I jumped.

"Morning sweetheart." I couldn't move or see, I couldn't even move an inch.

"Where am I ? Who are you?! Where are my babies??" I moved rigoursly, I couldn't feel my limbs. Why am I still alive? Where am I??

"Oh don't worry baby, you're in a safe place.. There's nothing to worry about dear.." I hear a deep husky voice, I recognised it, sangwoo.

"You..Let me go sangwoo!" I shake around and I fall into the hard ground. I couldn't see for some reason, I wasn't closing my eyes, why?

"Oh look at you ,so cute when you struggle. Don't worry baby ,we're almost done. Then you'll be perfect."


What does he mean?

"What are talking about Sangwoo? What do you mean perfect?" He held me up,and put me on something soft, he injected something into me.

"Well,you're beautiful ,bummy. But, I thought after what Seungbae did to your body.. I would change you a little..modify you." I could hear him circling the place, his footsteps around me.

"I wanted you to be my doll. Doll's don't need freedom, they don't need emotions. They don't need free will."


"So after you were knocked out, I realised your cute boys had beautiful eyes and lips, I thought they would look beautiful on you. So, I took care of them.."

"You mother fucker!!!" I wanted to cry ,but my eyes weren't watering..What the..

He killed my babies..

My babies..

"Then..I took out your eyes and replaced them..They aren't ready yet though.. and your limbs.. I'm still  breaking your joints..So it might take a while."

My..My joint? Broken??


"Sangwoo you..""Shhh..Talk no more bummy..You're going to be perfect..Then we'll always be together.."



"Are you ready?"


He took off the bandages.

I didn't look like myself at all.

I looked ...

"Perfect." He was happy, I couldn't make any expression, my face was numbed and my joints were all removed.

I was a doll.

An emotionless doll.

"I love you baby." He held me tightly as I sat on the chair, I was dressed like a doll, I had big eyes and a lightly sown smile.

I cried silently.

I couldn't make a sound.

My voice was taken away.

A doll doesn't need a voice he said.

I'm going insane.

I'm hurting so much.

Under the soft sunlight that shone through the clear window , he held me with a faint smile while I was sitting on the chair, my eyes open as I couldn't blink.

On the edge of my eye,

There was a single tear.


I'm sorry bummy..😭

I'm so sorry..😭

It's all my fault..😭

I hate myself for writing this already😭

I hope you guys enjoyed that.

I'm going to bed now. Byee😘

If you have any suggestions for an extra part please message me or comment~ remember to check out the sequel sweeties~
Love all of ya’ll💓 byee

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