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"I'm going to work Bum. Bye." He kisses me on the head, I smile while I wash the dishes. He waves goodbye and heads out in his uniform.

I'm currently living in Seungbae's apartment, we are in a romantic relationship and we've been together for 10


I've been living happily with him, and he's been treating me very well.

I love him so much.

I'm engaged.He proposed to me and I accepted, we're getting married Ina few weeks.

I finish with the dishes and take off my apron, the weather is rather sunny today.

Good day for drying clothes.

I enjoy the scenery as I put out the clothes, I admire the happy families that walk on the streets, the woman who comes out everyday for her jog and the brunette man who..


I squat down and peek through the balcony, an undercut with brown hair..

He's staring at me with a creepy smile, his hand is armed.



My eyes widened and I quickly lock all the doors and windows, I'm scared.

Why is he here?

Why is he coming here?

Is he still obsessed with me?

Go away.

"Bum~I'm here~open the door~"He knocks on my door, I hide and I clench my hair tightly.

I'm scared..terrified..petrified..

I shudder and shake as he knocks on the door harder and harder, I'm trembling.

"Open the door!!Bum!!" He shouts and bangs the door harder, it's going to break.

What should I do?

I take the phone and dial the number, it's hard while I'm shaking. The call is through and I hear his voice.

"Bum? What's wrong? Are you shaking your voice is.."

"Help me Seungbae..Sangwoo is outside the house, he's knocking so hard..I'm...aaah!!" The door breaks open and I see his face, he looks at me with a wide smile, he squats down and sees the phone in my hand.

"Calling him huh?" He takes my phone away and he opens speaker mode.

"Hey Seungbae."

"What are you doing?! Get away from Bum!"

"I'm not going to hurt him, I love him,unlike you. I'm going o take him away from you, I love him hahahahaha.."

"Wha..." He hung up the phone, my back pressed against the wall as he closed in.

"Bum.,I love you, do you?" He takes my hand and sees the ring Seungbae gave me when he proposed, he takes it off and throws it away while putting in on his cheek.

"I..I.." I'm stuttering, I'm too scared, he glances at me and kisses my hand.

"You could always come with me, come on,let's leave this belong to me."


"No? You've got the guts." He starts to change his expression, the soft smile turns to an angry face, he forces me up and pushes me to the nearby sofa.


He pushes against me and starts to undress me while I struggle.

"What is it that I don't have? I'm so much better than him! "He's so angry he can't even think properly anymore, he's insane.

Don't touch me.

I don't love you.

"No..please..Sangwoo..stop.."his hands are ripping my clothes away, he unzips his pants and rams in me.

My insides are ripping, it hurts, I'm bleeding.

The floor is messy with all the scattering clothes, the sofa is creaking because of the movements.

"Aaah!!Aaah!!" It hurts like hell, he thrusts inside me, I think blood is pouring out, I clench my hands and bite my lips.

"That's right, scream. You little slut."


It hurts so much.

What can I do?

Where are you Seungbae?

Save me.

It hurts.

"It hurts!! Aaah!! It hurts!! Sang..woo!! St..op!!" He thrusts inside me so much, his semen is inside me mixed with the blood.

"Bum..if you don't come.. I'll kill him..Seungbae.." He smiles while taking out the blade, he kisses it and asks me one last time.


You can do anything to me.

But not him.

"Don't..please..I'll go..please don't hurt him "I clench his clothes, my eyes are rolling with tears, he looks at me and kisses the tears as he smirks.

"Good boy."


As I enter the house,the familiar smell of blood reaches my nose thrills, he leads me in the room that's dimly lit.

"Welcome back." He tells me, this place..

Is a living hell.

"You'll never leave me again.. If you do that again..." He takes a blade and shows it to me, he takes my hand and tells me to hold it.

"'ll kill him yourself."

It sends chills down my spine as he talks with his deep voice beside my ear, I nod and he keeps the blade happily.


I love you..


I'm sorry Seungbae..

For you.. I have to do this.

Because I love you.

In order to keep you safe..

Don't come for me..

And don't look for me...

You'll find someone better.

I love you.

By Bum

I read the note on the table, I came too late..he's gone.

I see a sparkling thing on the ground, it's his ring.. The ring I gave him.

This is all my fault..

If I came sooner, this wouldn't have happened.


I'm sorry.

I lost you.

The tears just won't go away, they keep dripping from my face.

I'm going to save you Bum.

It'll be the last thing I do..

So wait for me.


((To be continued 

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