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I rush to the kindergarten and grab onto one of the teachers there, panting.

"Ms Yang,calm down. Are you OK? You dont look too well. " the teacher holds me up to prevent me from falling, I grab onto his shirt rigorsly.

"Where is Ji-hu and Ji-ho?" I ask him worriedly,my heart is racing,he settles me down and tells me,"They left with Pak Ji Sung, Ji-hu was feeling sick and Ji-ho didn't want to left alone and started crying so he tagged along."


I stood up and asked him immediately,"Where did they go? Please tell me. " he looks at me with cold sweat,"Maybe at the nearby clinic, you can find him there maybe. They have been out for quite a long time already actually, I think maybe Ji-hu is really sick. "

"Thank you. I'll be leaving now. "I rush out the gate and ran as fast as I could to the clinic, I stood in front of a busy street, I pant heavily as the bystanders stare, I didn't care. I look in front,expecting a clinic in business, but my eyes widened at the sight.

"Sorry,but we are closed. "

What the..


I call Yoonbum immediately but I get no answer at all, my heart is racing while my hands are sweaty. I hold onto the steering wheel and rush across the street.

"The number you're trying to dial is currently unavailable..."the words pierce my heart bit by bit, I stop at the front of our apartment and I sprint up the stairs.

When I reached the door, I was all sweaty with needs of sweat dripping all over me. But I didn't care..

All I wanted was Yoonbum and the kids..

I wanted them to be safe.

That's all I wanted..

I open the door,and I fell on the floor trembling,the house was a mess with red paint all over the room. With a creepy font, it spelled "Find me".

The paint was still wet with it dripping on the white wall making it more eerie, I couldn't stand up,my legs were going limp.

If the paint is wet, that means..


I know it might not happen but I still gave it a shot, I walked to that place,that neighborhood,that street, that house.

Sangwoo's house. That hell.

I walk past the yellow 'do not cross' tapes, opening the old gate and walking into the small pavement, it was so quiet,so..weird.

This neighborhood is too empty,because of time, the trees and flowers all withered, they used to be so beautiful.

"Mama!! "I hear a child's scream and I rush into the door immediately,it's Ji-hu!!

"Ji-hu baby? Where are you? "I walk in the house,  it was dark and empty,i followed his voice and went into the old room of Sangwoo.

I walk down the basement and I see them, they were tied up and crying, I rushed down and held them tightly while sobbing.

"Honey.. Are you okay?" I hugged them and cried, they nod and suddenly they started to panic and tremble.

What is it?

"Watch out! " I feel a sudden sharp pain from the back of my head, the pain was so intense I blacked out.

Before felling into the darkness, I saw a man, his face I couldn't really make out but I knew by his grin.

That eerie smile, those dark eyes.

It's 'him'.

(to be continued

Sorry for not updating often! I've been lazy and I was planning gatherings with my old friends lately, but I promise I will update soon! I'm so happy because of the sweet comments that you guys leave for me, I enjoy every second reading them😊Thank you for reading!

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