Twenty One

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When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. I was restrained and I couldn't move freely, I had been awakened by the sound of cries.

It was my son, Ji-hu. He was clinging onto me, pulling my shirt while sobbing ,his hair was messy while he was bleeding from his forehead.

"Ji–hu! Are you bleeding? Does it hurt? I'm sorry.."he hugged me and answered my questions,"I'm okay mummy. But..i don't know where brother went.. He was taken away by that man..."


I need to find him.

I looked around the room, I didn't know where I was, the room wasn't familiar to me. It wasn't Sangwoo's basement,it was old and rusty. And the smell of dead animals were clinging in the air which was choking. There wasn't any windows and the floor boards were old and would make creaking sounds whenever I moved. I tried to walk but my legs were chained to a pole, I tried to find something to saw it,but there was nothing for me to find but old rags.

"Ji–hu did you remember the man's face? " I hold him by the shoulders,he nods and tells me profusely, "He had black hair with some brown hair too, and he wore a mask.. "

Ji sung?

That teacher?

I knew there was something fishy about him.

It's not time to think about this now.

"Ji–hu baby, I need you to tell me about what happened when you were sick, where did teacher take you? Can you remember?"I shake him by his thin shoulders,he nods and sits down on the floor, trying to remember. I wander around the small space while the chains rattle because of the movements.

"Mama,I remember!He took us to a van with a few men,and...and..and they handed some paper in boxes to the men and..we were left to this dark home. And then you found us..and..and,"he started to stutter,his eyes widened and I knew something was wrong.  I held his arms and asked him, "What's wrong?Tell me. "

"It's.."I look behind me and I see a familiar face and on that face was blood shot eyes with a wide smirk, I was horrified and started trembling like crazy.

"Hey. Long time no see." his deep voice sent shivers down my spine,he walked towards us and pinched my cheeks slightly,"How have you been? "

"F.. Fine.. "I protected Ji-hu by covering him, he dared not to open his eyes and gripped tightly on my sleeve.

"Fine? It looked like you and Mr officer here had some fun." he walked pass me and looked at the trembling Ji-hu, I could sense that he was going to cry.

"Look at this little thing, he looks so much like you, I guess he took after you,huh?"he smiled briefly while wiping away some of the tears on his face.

"Why are you crying? Didn't you say you wanted to play? We're playing aren't we? Hide and seek. Your brother is hiding right now. " he laughed a little, this psycho, I don't know what he'll do to my poor Ji-ho.

"Where's my son Sangwoo?! Are you crazy?! "I don't know what happened to him after the incident but I could tell he suffered many major injuries,his face was left with scars but he still had a good face. His hair was dyed black.

"His fine, just hanging out with some of my friends,you know? If you're so worried, I'll call him. "he answered my question and called out to someone,and there he was my son.

He was crying so hard. I was in raged and heartbroken, I wanted to kill this man all over again.

"What the fuck did you do to my son?!  What the hell?! " I was crying, he looked so weak with his shorten breaths and he was trembling. He took him over to me while I cried while holding him, his brother sobbing by his side.

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