●8. Change In Routine●

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August 15, 2015
[The Next Day]

Dark morning!
Sounds amazing, no? No actually!

The sky above was full of thunderous, dark and ragged clouds. And Amaya was still sleeping there, in the balcony. Her body was curled up into the curves of her body. A droplet fell on her face, as if telling her to wake up. And after that, each droplet alighted on her skin, as if to pull her away from the pain of her past and the uncertainty of what was to come. Her dream ended abruptly, as she was shaken back to the reality. She opened her eyes, with her eyelashes faintly battling against her lids when she blinked. She blinked, closed her eyes and blinked again before rubbing her knuckles onto her eyes. Her muscles felt weak. She looked around and found herself in a new place, just then reality hit her mind that she was no more in her old house. A tear rolled down her cheek when she realized she was no more to Himansh's.

I'm married now. Remarried, correction needed! Amaya thought and some more tears escaped from her eyes. She got up from the floor and looked around with tears in her eyes. The rain drops and her tears mingled on her face, only the pinkness of her eyes gave any clue about her sadness and tears.

"I hate rain." Mumbling that to herself, Amaya turned around and left the balcony, obviously after locking. She looked around in the room and found Ansh and Disha sleeping peacefully on the bed.

They look cute. Amaya thought and smiled, wiping her tears. She looked up at the clock on the wall. It was 5 in the morning. She went downstairs hurriedly and rushed into the kitchen. She needed more time, of course because it was new for her. She looked around and scanned the whole kitchen. She opened every cupboard one after another, just to see what it had in it. She took out bread packet and some vegetables like tomatoes from the refrigerator.

Amaya decided to make Bread-Poha for breakfast, something that she had learned but never made. It took her around half an hour to make it. She sighed heavily as she was done with the breakfast. She wiped sweat from her forehead with her dupatta [veil] and then decided to take a shower before waking up Ansh and Disha for their school.

Amaya left the kitchen, after putting everything on the on the dining table. She walked upstairs and went to her room. She opened the door and found Ansh and Disha still sleeping there. She looked up at the clock, it showed 5:45 in the morning. She quickly unpacked her bag and took out her dress for today. She brushed her teeth and took a quick shower. She wore a white kurti, paired with a red chudidar. She decided to wear her dupatta before leaving for her college. Standing in front of the mirror, she looked at her reflection.

Something is still missing! Amaya thought and just then her eyes fell on her nuptial, it reminded her of her reality, her present. She filled her hair-partion with vermilion. She turned around and took slow steps towards the bed. She was feeling empty from inside. She sat on the left side of the side where Disha was sleeping and stroked her hair lovingly.

"Dishu." Amaya whispered and Disha growled in her cutest baby voice. Amaya chuckled seeing her. "So you won't wake up easily?" Amaya mumbled with a smirk as Disha turned to other side. Amaya went more closer to her and then started tickling her. And in response, Disha started laughing loudly, rolling on the bed. "Good morning baby." Amaya kissed Disha's forehead and then rubbed the tip of her nose against her little one.

Disha jumped in Amaya's lap and hugged her, mumbling,  "I love you, mommy".

"Now go and get ready." Said Amaya, making her face her. Disha nodded her head smiling, and then left the room, not forgetting to kiss her on her cheek before leaving.

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