●33. The Engagement Day●

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Happy reading. Enjoy.


June 26, 2016

"Hey, how are you?" Rishaan asked, throwing his head back and gazing up at the dark, starless sky through the closed glass window. The sky was filled with the dark, blackened clouds that moved with the wind, revealing the half moon momentarily.

Amaya smiled as he asked, already knowing he was going to ask only this. It felt so good hearing his voice after such a long and tiring day. "I am good. And how are–"

"I miss you Amaya." He spoke from the other side suddenly, seeing the dark clouds covering the moon. He missed her as much as he missed the moon's light. He felt just like the moonless sky, empty and dark.

She pressed her lips together and smiled a little wider. Lowering her gaze to the blue carpet and making circles on it with the tip of her toe, she spoke from the other side in low voice, "I miss you too."

He didn't say anything for some moments but she knew he was there on the other side. She could hear him breathe steadily. He was there, gazing up at the sky and waiting for the clouds to move away. His lips stretched into a small smile as the moon appeared again.

He took a deep breath and exclaimed, "Can't really wait for tomorrow, because this whole thing is stressing me out!" He rolled his eyes from the other side and then exhaled heavily.

"Hmm... Same." She nodded her head meekly, feeling exhausted and exactly the same.

Yawning, she waddled around lazily in the house and stopped at the doorstep of Riddhima's bedroom. She looked inside the room, her eyes taking in the surroundings. It looked like a complete mess with her clothes and makeup kits scattered around in the room. Everything looked so disheveled.

"Moreover," He spoke from the other side, walking out of the room and into the balcony, the cold breeze touching his skin and welcoming him. His voice caught her attention and she waited for him to speak further. "I feel like I'm a father of three!" She almost laughed at what he said and he continued, "Seriously! Adi is behaving like a kid and asking such dumb and annoying questions!"

"He is your brother after all." She teased, trying her best to not laugh.

"Did you just– you mean I ask dumb and annoying questions!?" His voice was taut, feigning how angry and hurt he was by her comment.

She laughed a bit from the other side, shaking her head. She could totally imagine him making such faces and acting like a pro. "Tell Adi to not freak out, everything will be fine." She walked inside the room as she said.

"Yeah, sure." He beamed. "What are you doing though?" He asked, leaning back to the railing of the balcony.


"Which dress, Di?" He heard Riddhima's high pitched voice from the other side.

"I think, this one." Amaya answered her and he waited for her to answer him, too.

"But I like this one more." There came Riddhima's voice again.

"But this colour suits you more." Amaya raised her voice a bit and he chuckled at how she was trying to convince her.

"But Adi likes this colour more." Riddhima's voice was lower than before.

Rishaan shook his head hearing their conversation. Adi would like to see her without clothes even! He even thought to say this out loud but stopped, thinking that would sound so wrong. Laughing at his own thoughts, he waited for her to finally talk to him.

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