Chapter 7

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-- Friday, Valentine's Day Dance Night --

*Emma's P.O.V **

I woke up from my deep sleep. Shit. Tonight is prom. Crap again I gotta pack up so I gotta go to visit my mum with those two naughty boys. Ahaha! I got up and took a shower. I put strawberry shampoo to smell nice. I got out and wore a strapless black dress. It fit me so well! I even looked skinny in it. Normally I'm fat as hell. Ahaha. I curled my hair I let it down for the day. I wore black tall heals. I woke up the boys, "Come on sleepyheads it valentines dance!! We gotta pack clothes to visit my mum the next day!! Get ready!" I shouted. "Okay okay! Can I have carrots for breakfast though?!" Louis questioned. "Yea sure. Me and Harry will eat bacon and eggs if that's alright." they nodded and washed. I went to the kitchen all done for bacon and eggs. I got 5 packages of carrots for Lou.

"Woah.. Claire you look.." their jaws opened wide. "Close your mouth your going to catch flies!!" I joked to them. We ate and laughed. After the fun stuff I packed with the boys. I packed my bras, underwears, shirts, dress for summer, jewlaries, and my laptop. I'm not packing all my clothes since its going to be a week with my mum. I'm so lucky I have the boys. They are so much of a work but they can be useful all the time. Make you laugh...wait where was I? Oh right packing. "Boys, what you gunna bring to see my mum?!" I asked. "I'm bring carrots, suspenders, T Shirts, jeans, boxers, laptop!!" Louis said. "I'm bringing my comb, laptop, boxers, plaids, jeans, JW T Shirts, and my camera for memories!" Harry said. "Alright y'all done right?" they nodded. "Let's go to Sasha's dorm and see what are they up to with Nialler." we nodded.

Louis wore a tux and a red bow on top. Harry wore a tux as well but simple. We went to the 2nd floor number 400 and knocked the dorm. "Hello? Sasha?" I questioned. The door opened. I held Louis' hand and poor Harry behind us nothing, no date, aww so sad. Whatever! I went inside there stood Sasha with a red tank top dress and black heals. "Fancy fancy!!" I told Sash. "My god Claire you look delightful!!" Sash said. "Why thank you. Who's ye date?" "Niall of course, yours?" "Louis the carrot king." "GO. CARROTS!!" Louis shouted. "Alright let's go downstairs y'all ready?" they nodded and I lead the way. We went to the 1st floor and checked the dance for to tonight. Wow, it's ..pretty! Louis kissed me lightly on the lips. I kissed him back and he blushed so cutely. Even if we are more than friends it going to be supper duper cool! The announcement started,"Bring a date and just dance people!!!" the DJ said. I searched my eyes for Zayn. Yup, he's with another girl. What a player.

Me and Louis danced. The song played, 'I'm Glad You Came' after that it was slow dance. Me and Louis kissed loads of times. "Emma, can you be my girlfriend?" Louis asked. I gave a shocked look. "Your...your girlfriend? Your kidding right?" I joked. "No really Em can you? I've been crushing you all the time but you never seem to notice." he pleaded. "Awe I'll be the carrot king's girlfriend" I gave a smile and we kissed. We sat down and kissed for several minutes. His hands were on my waist my arms were on his hair playfully playing with it. I pulled away and held his hands. "Babe, wanna go to get food?" I asked. "YES! Carrots" he gave a grin. We went to the buffet. And there was all sorts of foods!! Obviously Louis got carrots. I got sushi and some carrots Louis had given me. I grabbed beer as my drink. Yes beer I can drink since I'm enough aged.

Louis and I sat down and ate. He fed me and I fed him. "Look Harry has a date!! Good now I don't need to go to prom with him" I joked. "Yay your going to be with carrot boi!!" he shouted. "Yep your all mine Louie!" he laughed and we finished eating. I took 4 shots and I'm already drunk. Crap. I'll get a hangover the next day. Whatever it doesn't hurt. This is the first time I took so much shots. I got kinda high and me and Lou did the make out session. We went to our dorm. I unbottoned his tux. Ohhh feels good. [PG-13]. After that we slept together. We mostly did everything together after Lou told me everything about his last girlfriend. I didn't even know if Harry came back from the party. Probably a hang over? Whatevez!


Author's Note:

Okay next chapter is where they go to England where the mum is located. Enjoy!

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