Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Zayn's P.O.V:

I rised up. Whew that was hard. Well, as you can see me and Em made up!! Woo. I arsed up and washed. I threw on some white T Shirt, black quarter jeans, and Jordan shoes. I didn't want to wake the entire group up so I decided going out. I grabbed my keys and headed out. I drove and drove. I parked my car. Wow, Saturdays are so busy. People are barging around. I can't even see where I'm going! I finally got out. I head to the Starbucks (A/N: Idk if you guys have it in England but here in the U.S we do have Starbucks xD).

I bumped into a lady and spilled her drink all over the place. "Oh my god!! You... You freak!! This shirt is a million of dollars!!" she yelled. The other girl said, "Omg! It's okay."

"Guys I'm so sorry. I'll buy you another drink and repay you clothes." I told them. They nodded. Girls.

"Hi, can I get a coco mococo?" I asked the cashier lady.

"How much would you want sir?"

"Three cups please. And wrap me some donuts!" while I was waiting maybe I should get to know the girls. Wouldn't be that hard.

"What's your names ladies?" I asked them.

The mean one said, "I'm Valaire."

The nice one said, "I'm Laura." and she smiled. My stomache has butterflies. Bleh. The food arrived as I grabbed and we took a seat. I gave each of them a donut and their drinks.

"Later we can go to the mall and I'll buy you new clothes." I told them. Laura smiled but Valarie just is so grumpy. We finished eating and I took them to my car. I turned on the radio which was our song, 'What Makes You Beautiful'. Laura hummed the music. Hmmm.

"your insecure, don't know what for. Your turning heads when you walk through the door-r." she sang.

"Big fan of one direction??" I asked. Valaire just grumped but Laura nodded playfully. We arrived. Finally. All the girls bought tons of clothes. I payed them. I insisted if they wanted to go to my place. They agreed. We arrived to our place.

"Zayn!! What took you SO long?!!" Liam cried.

"Sorry.. You all were sleeping so I went out." I let the girls in and lock the door. "OMG!! YOUR...YOUR ONE DIRECTIONNN?!!" Laura shouted. We nodded and it our thumbs up. I took Laura to my room. We chat awhile. I leaned. A leaned. I gave in, I kissed her. I bit her lip so she can open up. She eagerily opened and my tounge went exploring her mouth. Ohhh. Luckily the door was closed. She unbuckled my belt. "You don't waste to time do you?" I asked her. She didn't answer but kept on kissing. Butterflies went in my stomache. Is this the girl I wanted for the time I've waited? Is this the time to stop falling in love with Emma?



So, I decided not ending the book but making it go on. I'm too lazy doing a squeal. SO I rather do it here. Lol. Thanks for waiting for this chapter. I'll upload more chapters when it's after school times.

- JadeLovesYou

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