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As the train came to a stop and people began to leave the car that she had sat in, Applejack glanced out of the window by her seat and saw that she had made it to her destination. With a sigh, she gathered all of her luggage and stepped out into the crisp, warm air outside. She began to look around for the person that should have been waiting to pick her up from the train station, but recognized none of the many faces passing by her. She started reaching into her bag for her cell phone until she felt a hand touch her shoulder, causing her to jump slightly, instantly calming down when she saw her older brother standing there with a wide grin.

"Hey, Big Mac!", she exclaimed happily, hugging her much taller brother.

"Howdy, Applejack," he said with a light chuckle, hugging his little sister back, "Ready to go? I can only imagine how tired you are after that train ride."

Applejack pulled away then nodded, smiling while her brother took all of her bags from her. They both left the train station and headed out to the parking lot, walking up to a red truck before placing her luggage into the bed of the truck, climbing into the cab once they were done.

It didn't take too long for them to make it Sweet Apple Acres, but once they were there, Applejack was greeted by her overly excited sister and granny. Of course, she was asked a million questions while her brother chuckled at her expense.

"We missed you a whole bunch, big sis!" Applebloom said while squeezing her sister in a tight hug.

"Yep, we sure did." Granny Smith stated with a wide smile on her lips.

"I miss all of you, too." Aj smiled.

"Okay, okay. It's getting dark and we need to be heading on to the apartment. Besides, Aj needs her rest, seeing as she's had a long day today. We'll see you both tomorrow, goodnigh!" Big Mac called while walking back to the truck.

"See you guys tomorrow, I guess? Love ya'll!" Applejack said hugging both her sister and her granny, making her way over to the truck again. She gave a final wave as the truck backed out of the driveway, turning to her brother. "I thought we were staying at the farm? Why're we staying in an apartment?" she asked once they were on the road.

"So we'll be closer to your new school, Aj."

She gave a quiet groan, folding her arms over her chest. "I guess."

By the time Aj got comfortable enough to fall asleep in her seat, the truck pulled up in front of an apartment building with a large number 3 on the front of it. She hopped out of the truck, making her way around to the back of it, waiting for Big Mac to help her unload all of her luggage. Once her brother got out of the truck, he handed her his set of keys while holding the key to the door up to her.

"It's upstairs, number 7." he told her.

She nodded, going upstairs to find it. Once she did so, she unlocked to door and stepped inside, followed by her brother with all her bags.

"Your room's at the end of the hall, on the left.", Big Mac said, following her to her room with all of her bags.

Once Applejack opened the door to her room, she was surprised at how spacious the room was. There was a perfectly made queen sized bed in the middle of the room, a work desk that sat on the far left of the room, a decent sized bathroom with a shower curtain patterned with apples, a nice little walk in closet, and a large flat screen tv mounted on the wall.

"This.....is my room?" Aj asked in shock.

"Yep. Now, you have to be at school at 7:30 in the morning, so you'd better get some shut eye while you can. See you in the morning." her brother replied before shutting her door as he left out.

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