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Two weeks. It's been exactly two weeks since Applejack and Rainbow Dash had a conversation since that kiss in the bathroom. Finals and exams could have been the reason for them not speaking, but Aj had a pretty good feeling that was only 10% of the reason. The other 90% was because they knew things would be awkward.

Now, the girls were on Christmas break and they all had agreed to spend some time together over break.

The clock read 8:13 pm and it was now starting to get dark outside. Aj was just finishing up her chores around the apartment and making dinner, setting some aside for her brother while putting everything else away. It didn't take long before she had everything finished and her brother came home.

By that time, she had already made it into her room and was gathering clothes to put on after her shower. Then, there was a small knock at her door.

"Come in." Aj said loud enough for her brother to hear just before he stuck his head in the door.

He gave a small smile with a wave before leaving her room once she waved back.

At that moment, her phone began to ring, breaking the silence in the air. Grabbing her cell phone off her nightstand, she answered the call.

"Hello?" Aj answered.

"Applejack, darling, you've been in a bit of a bad mood lately and I'm calling to invite you to come spend the night with me. We need to have a talk." Rarity told her on the other line.

"Why?" Aj questioned.

"Because your're my friend and I care about you, dear. I'll see you in an hour." With that, Rarity hung up, giving Aj no time to object.

A few seconds after the phone call was over, she had gotten a text from Rarity with her address on it. Giving an eye roll, Aj went into her bathroom to shower and get ready to go.

When she was done in the shower, she put on pajama pants and a white tank top, packing a small overnight bag once she was finished getting ready. Grabbing her bag and her phone, she left her room and went to speak to her brother, who was watching tv in the living room.

"Hey, Big Mac, do you mind if I go spend the night at Rarity's place?" Aj questioned.

"Nope, I'll take you." he replied with a smile.

Grabbing his keys off the counter, they both left the apartment and went downstairs to the truck.

Finding Rarity's address ten minutes later, Aj was amazed at what she saw once the truck pulled into the long driveway. There was a large, white brick mansion with perfectly trimmed hedges in the front and a fountain centered in the front yard. Aj hugged her brother and got out of the truck, going up the few steps to ring the doorbell.

A few seconds later, Rarity answered the door with a smile and pulled the latter girl inside.

"Hello, darling!" Rarity exclaimed, hugging Aj before pulling her by the hand upstairs to her room.

Rarity's room was huge compared to Applejack's. She had light purple silk curtains over her wide window, a white leather lounge chair in the corner, a perfectly white dresser/vanity, a large walk-in closet, and a king sized bed with fancy comforters on it.

Applejack's jaw was nearly on the floor at how neat Rarity's room was, along with the rest of her house.

"Where are your parents?" Aj asked, taking a seat on the edge of Rarity's bed.

"They're out on vacation for a couple of days, but nevermind them, let‘s discuss you." she said, sitting at her vanity and began taking her makeup off.

Who Are You? [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now