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Three weeks later...

Christmas break was now over and school was back in session. The weather outside was cold and frigid, though everyone was still expected to go to school everyday.

The time was currently 8:45 a.m. on a sunny Tuesday morning. Applejack was curently sitting in her newly assigned first period class, English. Rarity was the only one out of their group to have the same first period as she did this semester. She had Twilight and Fluttershy in her second period Geography class, Pinkie Pie in her fourth period Home Ec. class, Sunset and Rarity in sixth period Health, then Sunset, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash were in her seventh period Gym class. She didn't have any friends in third period College Algebra, which bothered her a lot because she sucked at math. Fifth period, she had lunch and was glad to see her group of friends at some point in the day.

She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder, bringing her back into reality. Looking to see who tapped her shoulder, she saw Rarity sitting next to her, nodding towards the front of the room. Aj turned to look at the front of the class and her eyes met green ones, letting her know exactly who it was. Her eyes followed their every move as they made their way to the seat on the other side of Aj.

"Long time, no see, Applejack." they said with a smirk.

"Same to you, Soarin." she replied.

"So, how's your girlfriend Rainbow Dash?" he asked with an uninterested tone.

That caught Aj off guard. She had only started dating Rainbow over Christmas break and they weren't really trying to show it at school, but how Soarin knew was a mystery.

"What makes you think I'm dating her?" Aj asked.

"Everyone in the whole school knows you two are dating. You're pretty much the power couple of the school."

"Everyone? How do they know?"

"Things travel around fast here at CHS. Someone saw you two making out after lunch yesterday."

Giving an eyeroll, Aj began to pack up her things because the bell was about to ring in a few minutes.

"Anyway, why'd you come to to class so late? The bell's going to ring soon." Aj said.

"I overslept this morning, no big deal." Soarin replied with a shrug.

Just then, the bell rang and Aj followed Ratity out of the classroom, standing outside of the class.

"Well, that was surely something, wasn't it?" Rarity asked.

"Mhm." Aj said with an eyeroll.

"Don't let that bother you, darling. You are in a happy relationship with Rainbow Dash and you shouldn't care if everyone knows you're dating her." Rarity said with a comforting smile, "Now, go ahead to your next class. See you at lunch, dear."

With that, Rarity turned into the large crowd of students and disappeared. Aj began to make her way to her second period class.


Lunch finally came and Applejack couldn't be more happy to see her girlfriend and their friends.

Her and Pinkie made their way to the cafeteria, taking a seat at the table their friends were at. Everyone was there except Rainbow Dash, considering she had to come from the third floor of the building.

While everyone at the table at their lunch and engaged in a conversation, Aj decided to begin her English homework, which was a two paged freewriting esaay. When she was halfway done with one page, she felt someone sit down next to her and kiss her cheek. She knew it could only be Rainbow Dash assaulting her with kisses, so she chuckled softly at the display of affection.

Who Are You? [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now