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Applejack's alarm went off promptly at 6:00 a.m. the next morning. She could have had thirty extra minutes of sleep if she didn't have company. With a small groan, Aj sat up and rubbed her eyes. She then noticed Rainbow Dash's arm thrown across her lap. Giving a deep eye roll, she pushed it off of her and moved to get out of the bed. Once she was on her feet, she stretched her arms and began to gather her things for a shower.

Rainbow, on the other hand, was so deep in her sleep, that she didn't even hear when Applejack came out of the shower and called her name.

"Rainbow Dash, you can't sleep forever. We have school, you know." Aj said to the sleeping girl, only to be answered with snoring.

"Rainbow Dash! Get up, dammit!" Aj said loudly, but not too loud to wake her brother.

Rainbow groaned, wrapping her arms around Aj's pillow and squeezing it to her chest, whining lightly with her eyes squeezed shut, "But I'm tired."

"I don't care how tired you are, get up or you'll be late for school." Aj said while running a comb through her wet hair, going into her bathroom to blowdry her hair.

"Jesus, Applejack! I'm trying to sleep in here, turn it off!" Rainbow called to her, though she wasn't heard over the dryer. Instead, Rainbow put one of the pillows over her head and tried to go back to sleep.

Seconds later, the blowdryer turned off and Applejack emerged from the bathroom, with her pajamas in hand and a robe on.

"Why on Earth is it so hard for you to get the up? You're so difficult, I swear." Aj said, putting her dirty clothes in the laundry basket and going into her closet to get her uniform for the day.

"I'm not a morning person."

"What do I have to do to make you get up? Because you're not gonna be late for school, Rainbow." She said back, quickly getting dressed before going to straighten her hair.

"I don't want to get up yet."

"Please, just get up.

"For a kiss." Rainbow said, a smirk growing on her face.

"Ugh, fine." Aj replied before going over and kissing Rainbow's cheek, pulling back with a smirk on her own face.

"I said a kiss, Aj, not that."

"You weren't specific," Aj laughed, "Now get up, please. It's already 6:45."

With a groan and an eye roll, Rainbow got out of bed and started to get ready for school.

After showering and brushing her teeth, she emerged from Aj's bathroom in tight athletic shorts that stopped about mid thigh and a light grey sports bra.

Aj instantly lifted a brow at the scene in front of her before questioning the girl in front of her.

"Um, where's your clothes and why aren't you wearing them?" she asked.

"I have to get them out of my bag, obviously. Why? Would you like to see me without them?" Rainbow asked with a smirk, wiggling her eyebrows.

"In your dreams," Aj scoffed, "Hurry up, or we'll miss breakfast."

Rainbow quickly got dressed and fixed her unruly hair within five minutes before grabbing her backpack and phone.

"Okay, finished. Now I need food or I'll die from hunger." she said once she was done.

"Then, let's go." Aj said, leading them out of her room and into the kitchen.

There, they saw Big Mac making breakfast. Aj quickly introduced her friend and her brother while the two girls ate, then rushed out the door to school.

Who Are You? [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now