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Hi guys! It's me Yakziry (aka pimpcessx but youre all pretty much family now so you can call me Yakziry ) and I'm dedicating this chapter and this entire book to all of you! I wouldnt have had the motivation to continue writing this book without you guys. I've tried writing books on Wattpad so many times in the past few years that I've been here but no one would read them and i didn't get feedback on how i was doing or if anyone liked it ): so i would delete them after the first chapter and start over again. Eventually I stopped writing for about 2 years and it took me a longgggg time to decide to start writing. I became really interested in watching MLP with my baby cousin back in April of this year and I admired the friendship and happiness of the show. Blah blah blah, thats pretty much why people watch it. Anywayyyy in late May or early June, I got the inspiration to write this story when watching the Dance Magic eqg special that got leaked on Youtube early and I chose my favorite ship (GO APPLEDASH YAY!) and started to make this story. (My other favorite ships are SunsetDash and ApplePie) When I made the first chapter, I waited about two or three weeks to see how it went (and i went on vacation to Texas during those two weeks lol) and when i came back....i was FLOODED with reads and a few comments and a few votes and though it wasnt much, I was so happy! (: Now it has over 2k reads and so many votes and i only hope that more people will want to read this story and enjoy reading it and much as i enjoyed writing it (:

Im talking too much smh. anyway i'd especially like to give a big thanks to these guys:
xXLillianGraceXx GalaxyJess2001 VKitty14 Hey_itz_Fluttershy -LaurinahFeels- APPLE-_-DASH adazildust TinaPham618 julukawaii Appleanddash0 mjimason1 fantasykidNUMBER2 fantasykidNUMBER2 Coolestgirl2100 MLPCANDY5823 Gizzy_Games

They've been so supportive and helpful when it came to this story (: they either voted everytime i made a new chapter, told me how much they loved my story, or simply gave me ideas for this book or the second book I'm gonna make (yes there will be a second book guys) (:

I also appreciate everyone else that I didnt mention because I love all of you equally, pls dont hate lil ole meh )':

This has been so much fun and I cant wait to start on the next book, ily guys sososososo much (: <3


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