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Waking up the next day, Aj got out of bed and went to brush her teeth. Staring into the mirror, her eyes widened at the sight of herself. She had messed up hair and slight bags under her eyes. In ten minutes, Aj had gotten herself together and left the bathroom. Looking around the room, she saw that her roommate was no where to be seen, though her bag was still in the middle of the floor with her things strewn about the room. This gave her time to quickly put her clothes on before anyone came in the room while she still had a towel wrapped around her body.

She got her clothes out of her bag and began to put them on. Her outfit consisted of a light green and white long sleeve button-up shirt, dark blue skinny jeans, and green and white converse. She had decided to dress more warmly because she was kinda chilly last night, without the alcohol in her system, of course.

With a huff, Applejack gathered Rainbow's things from the floor, folded the clothes, and put them all together on the the desk in the corner. Next, Aj made up the bed and put everything in the room back in it's place.

Once she was finished packing her own bag, she placed it on the floor by the door and left the room she had slept in for the night. Walking down the stairs and heading into the living room, Aj was surprised to see the house clean. She saw Fluttershy sitting on the couch with a shy smile and smiled back at the meek girl.

"You did all this, Fluttershy?" she asked her.

"Uh, yes. I hope you don't mind."

"No, no, it's great. I'm sure Pinkie will appreciate it a lot." Aj said with a laugh, sitting on the couch.

"Hey, Aj! You're up!" Pinkie said with excitement, coming into the living room with a spatula in hand, rollers in her hair, and still wearing her pajamas.

"Yep, where's everyone else?" Aj asked.

"Rainbow Dash is gone to the store to get some juice for us to have with breakfast, Rarity is doing her make up, and Twilight and Sunset are still sleeping." Pinkie replied before going back into the kitchen to finish making breakfast.

Just then, as if somehow spoken into existence, Rainbow Dash came into the front door with grocery bags in her hands and a sour look on her face. She went straight into the kitchen and sat the bags down on the counter before stomping back upstairs and slamming a door, assumingly the one to the room she slept in last night.

"What's her problem?" Applejack asked.

"Dashie's not much of a morning person. She's usually grumpy if she doesn't get enough sleep." Fluttershy answered quietly, wrapping her arms around herself.

Aj nodded slowly, starting to play with her fingers.

"Breakfast is ready!" Pinkie screeched, racing upstairs to get everyone else up and into the kitchen for breakfast.

A couple minutes later, she returned with Rarity, Sunset, Rainbow, and Twilight behind her. Aj and Fluttershy had already went into the kitchen and was amazed by the layout of their breakfast. There were pancakes, french toast, eggs, bacon, sausage, apple slices, orange slices, a bowl of grapes, bagels, grits, and drinks.

"Okay, everyone have a seat and dig in!" Pinkie said with a bright smile.

Aj sat down next to Rarity and began to cut her pancakes that were on her plate, pouring syrup over them. She then began to eat her pancakes, occasionally sipping her apple juice. She had decided to stay quiet and just listen while everyone else was engaged in conversation.

Just then, without a word, Rainbow got up and put her empty plate in the sink, going back upstairs.

Applejack finished her food and followed Rainbow's actions, putting all of her dishes in the sink and following her upstairs to the room the room they slept in last night. After softly closing the door behind her once she was inside, she went and sat on the edge of the bed without bothering to turn the lights on.

Who Are You? [COMPLETED] ~ AppleDash Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now